The Beginning
In 1978, East Ridge High School student Salvatore 'SoccerSam' Fantauzzo rented a small storefront at 1985 East Main Street in Rochester NY. At the age of seventeen, Soccer Sam already had years of experience in the food business.
First Job
In 1972, Sam's dad had a massive heart attack. Time for Sam to go to work and help out the family. His uncle (Pizano) Fred Mione had just opened the new Fred's meat market at 1978 East Main St. Sam, at the age of twelve, soon went from stock boy to cashier to meat-cutter to weekend manager. Fred's made the best sub sandwich in the area, with fresh bread, fresh cold-cuts and Hellman's mayo, of course.
Sam in Charge
In the summer of 1976, Fred took his family to Italy for six weeks. Sixteen year-old Soccer Sam was totally in charge of the very busy and successful meat market on the east side of town. Sam soon learned bookkeeping, time management skills and found room in the soda stock room for the future pizza/sub department. Sam would work his 12 hour shifts at Fred's 7 days a week and then go to his friend's pizzeria, Cilino's Pizza. Sam would hang out at Cilino's Pizza on Clifford Ave. in Rochester and help his good friends Nino (aka Tony) and Vince Cilino. The Cilino family was one of the first pizza families in Rochester.
Salvatore "SoccerSam" Fantauzzo
founder of Salvatore's Old Fashioned Pizzeria
Delivery Boy
Sam soon mastered the art of pizza at night and during the day at Fred's he would volunteer to deliver Fred's famous sausage to all the popular area restaurants and bars. Sam would study their operations and ask a lot of questions on deliveries. Sam would take notes in his little black book.
Fred's Back!
At the end of summer 1976, Fred and his wife Joan and their daughters Kathy, Jane and Michelle all returned from their family vacation in Italy. Sam was rewarded for doing a great job in Fred's 6-week absence. Sam continued on his mission to convince Uncle Fred to sell pizza at the meat market. The remodeling of the back stock room had begun.
Pizza Test Time
Sam began pricing ovens, mixers, etc. and started testing recipes and asking suppliers about the best products to use, the best equipment as well. Months of planning and study about the industry, but ultimately, Fred decided the pizza business was a "no go." Fred realized that his 9:00 am to 9:00 pm meat market would have to stay open until 11:00 pm or midnight. After years of sacrifice, it wouldn't be fair to his family. No pizza department at Fred's for now!
Back to School
In September 1977, Sam began his senior year at East Ridge High School. He took as many business related courses available and in their last semester Sam and some friends took Home Economics. Sam convinced his teacher, Ms. Adele Pacquette, to let his group do a report on the pizza business.
The Pizza Project
Sam's group called and visited several pizzerias and reported on how to make products and what products to use and where to purchase them. His group soon received rave reviews on the pizza they made for the class and a great grade to go with them!
For Rent
Soon after the holidays in 1978, Sam was pulling out of work at Fred's and noticed a "For Rent" sign across the street at the old East Main Shoe Store. Sam couldn't sleep that night, the next day he took one of many 'personal' days off from school and met with the landlord at 1978 East Main Street.
Rented: Coming Soon!
Betty Schafer was a very nice lady and her family owned the building for years. Sam and Betty negotiated for 5 minutes; "$200.00 per month, 6 months free, and do whatever you want!!" Sam kept this information from his parents and Fred for weeks.
The Name and the Lawyer
The next day, Sam called Vince Cilino from Cilino's Pizza for help. Vince took Sam downtown to meet a lawyer and register the company. Joe Guadagnino (seated in photo) was the lawyer and Sam knew his son Joe Jr. from High School. The man that guided 17 year old SS and never charged him for his services or advice. Sam wanted to register Sam's Pizza or Sammy's but both names were taken. Mr. Guadagnino suggested Salvatore's. Sam's first reaction was "I don't even know how to spell it!" Then, Sam remembered a great Italian restaurant in Buffalo, NY where his family went to on Mother's Day, Salvatore's. A real high-end, classy place. That's how Sam envisioned his pizzeria. Salvatore's Pizza and Subs was born.
Vince Cilino then took Sam around town looking for used restaurant equipment and they were able to buy all the used equipment on a budget of $2,000. Oven, mixer, pizza unit, sandwich unit, and a slicer. That was it!
Family and friends
The old shoe store was beat. No ceilings, no floors, and all the walls were cracked. Sam was great at testing and eating the food but had no idea how to remodel the site. Uncle Sam Arbore, a "tile man" by trade came in big and volunteered his time, knowledge and tools every night. Sam's good friends Phil Coraggioso, Vincenzo Vella, Gary DiGabriele and cousin, Giacomo LoRe all kicked in to help. Sam's dad was very upset that his first-born son and first generation born in the USA was not going to college. But even 'Big Sil' showed up every night to help with the remodeling.
Founder Salvatore "SoccerSam" Fantauzzo working on the original East Main St. Salvatore's ventilation system.
Pay Me Later
Several companies like DeGeorge Ceilings, Aberts Hardware, and Monroe Sales Register all gave Sam terms of "Pay me after you open for business, kid" and that was greatly appreciated. Sam found this real ugly fake brick paneling to cover the cracked walls, Aberts Hardware donated the paint: Pea Yellow and Puke Green that someone didn't pick up. The place was ready.
Ready to open
May 1978 and the first Salvatore's Pizza & Subs location was ready to open. Sam's parents wanted him to finish school, and his 40 hour-per-week job at Fred's helped him to pay for the miscellaneous expenses of opening. The goal was to open by June 15, 1978. Some minor but major delays: no natural gas in the building and the oven that Sam and Vince found was gas. Sam soon learned an expensive lesson: running electric pizza ovens.
Open for business!
On July 5th, 1978, finally, Salvatore's Pizza & Subs opens. All of the firemen of Engine 12 next door had gained 20 lbs. each that summer. They helped test and perfect all the recipes with Sam's family and friends. They also donated Sam's first-ever business cards and menus. Sam's original logo was designed by fellow Fred's employee Al Grimaldo. Sam's first group of employees were his family and friends including his girlfriend Linda Calabrese, her sister Diana, Sam's thirteen year-old brother Chuck and Chuck's best friend John Coraggioso. John's brother Phil, Vincenzo Vella, his little cousin Lisa Arbore and nine year-old sister Val answered the phones. Aunt Mary Arbore, Grandma Oliveri, Aunt Mary Sampognaro, and Sam's mom volunteered to make the dough and sauce every day. And Aunt Josephine DeLuca would help out.
Original front counter at Salvatore's East Main St. circa 1978
In 1978, the few pizzerias on the east side of Rochester did not deliver. Salvatore's was the first pizzeria on the east side of Rochester to deliver. A painted blue Monza with the Salvatore's name and phone number was Sam's every day car. Sam was one of the few employees old enough to drive so he usually was the main driver that first year! Lots of speeding tickets.
In 1983 while driving his brand new Chevy Chevette all painted up with Salvatore's all over it, Sam's former girlfriend Linda (now his wife) tells him that they are pregnant! Sam looses control of the car, hitting dozens of innocent mailboxes on Helendale Rd. in his excitement to get home to tell his parents the news. December is the due date.
Get Serious
The first child came almost five years into business when Salvatore Fantauzzo II was born on December 11, 1983. That was the day Sam gave up his part-time job as a pro-wrestler (Dr. Love) and devoted all his efforts into Salvatore's Pizza & Subs.
Pizza Show
March 1984 was the first ever National Pizza Show. It was in Orlando, FL and hundreds of new companies were there representing their products. Sam and his good friend and adviser Nino (Tony) Cilino attended, they tested hundreds of new products and toppings never before introduced in the Rochester market. From Pizza Fingers to Mozzarella Sticks, Desserts, Car Signs etc. Nino constantly encouraged Sam to open more locations and grow in the Rochester market.
Full Menu
By the end of March 1984, Sam had introduced Salvatore's Famous Full Menu Delivery (tm) to the Rochester NY area, the first in the country. Thirty years later, those exact products that Sam and Nino found at that Pizza Convention in Florida are still on our AMAZING menu today!
(Salvatore's Menu From ~1979)
(Original Staff Members: Sister Val, Cousins Kim & Lisa)
Part 2: The Growing Years (1984-1999)
In 1978 a seventeen year old Eastridge High School student, Salvatore "SoccerSam" Fantauzzo took home economics his senior year for extra credit. The class project was to own a food business. Sam took on pizza as his assignment and soon realized this was his dream. After graduation he rented an empty store front across the street from his uncle's meat market located at 1978 East Main Street. Family and friends brought all their talents to help open the first Salvatore's in July of 1978 with a $5,000.00 Budget.
Sam's younger brother Chuck, cousin John Coraggioso and cousin Lisa Arbore were the first hired employees. They all were under the age of 14. Sister Valerie, future Sister-In-Law Diana, future Brother-In-Law Nino Cilino, Aunt Mary and Uncle Sam Arbore, Aunt Mary Sampognaro, Grandma Oliveri, Sam's parents, future wife Linda and several other family and friends including Phil Coraggioso, Enzo Vella and Gary DiGabriele helped Sam open the first Salvatore's location. The guys at Engine 12 Fire Department, next door, were the official taste testers!
John started off making boxes, moved on to baking pizzas and in no time was running the kitchen at Main Street. John and fourteen year old Chuck Fantauzzo became a great team, John in the kitchen and Chuck up front with his great personality. Five years later, John and Chuck graduated from High School and wanted to open up their own location. Salvatore's #2 was born in the kitchen of a bar called Chadwicks. Within months they outgrew this kitchen and moved to a much larger location in the Ridge/Clinton Plaza. This location is currently owned and operated by Ray LoRe.
Lake Ave
Jack Grover, Sam's landlord at the original Main Street location, opened store #3 at 4000 Lake Ave. A few years later Hassan Alsafadi, with his brother Sam, bought this location. Hassan had worked at the original Salvatore's for years. Hassan and his brother Sam eventually purchased the building at 4000 Lake Ave, that was owned by SoccerSam's late great uncle Sam Arbore. This location is currently owned and operated by Hassan Alsafadi.
East Rochester Part One
The original East Rochester location was opened in 1986. Longtime Salvatore's manager, Marco Palazzo, managed this test pizza and wing location. Cousin Mike DelGaizo joined this location in 1988. The village of East Rochester decided to expand the road at the corner of Linden Ave and Washington Street and the building was eventually demolished. The current East Rochester location is owned and operated by Carl Horsford.
David Sykut, who was the manager at the East Main Street location for years, opened the Webster location at 2022 Empire Boulevard in a converted garage. Tony Cilino helped Dave open this location. In 1998, Tony Mangione purchased this location and moved it to its current location at 1217 Bay Rd with a pick up window. In 2010, it later became Salvatore's Pizzeria & Pub. This location is still currently owned and operated by Tony Mangione.
Monroe Ave. Opens!
Greg Dillingham, who joined the Salvatore Pizza Family years ago, brought his pizza delivery experience to our company. Greg eventually purchased the Monroe Ave location from Tony Cilino with the help of his wife Stephanie. Years later, they moved this location to the Clover Lanes Plaza at 2752 Monroe Ave. The Salvatore's annual staff Christmas party is hosted by Greg and his staff. The Monroe Ave location remained open until 2017, when the parcel of land including Clover Lanes & the famous Mario's Restaurant was sold to make way for a Whole Foods market and plaza. The Monroe Avenue location moved to 2833 Monroe Avenue and was owned by Mike Perrotta. After this Monroe Ave location closed, the area is serviced by other surrounding locations.
The Catering Division
SoccerSam started Salvatore's Set Up-N-Go Catering in 1988. Cousin John, Cousin Lisa Arbore, Aunt Anna Oliveri, Sam's Dad Silvestro and wife Linda helped launch this division. Today, John at Main Street handles the Eastside Catering and Cousin Mike and Lisa handle the Westside catering jobs. Cindy (then Wallace) Kaehler was hired in 1989 to handle the accounting department. She had just graduated from Bryant and Stratton and brought her skills to the Salvatore's pizza family. Today Cindy manages the accounting division at Salvatore's.
School Pizza Division
In August of 1988 SoccerSam brought pre-made Sheet Pizza samples to Susan Billow the cafeteria buyer at the Webster NY schools. Days later Susan introduced SoccerSam to dozens of key cafeteria directors in the area. He quickly converted the 6' high basement at the original East Main Street location to a school pizza factory. Several friends and family members helped make & deliver these ready to bake pizzas to most of the schools & colleges in the Monroe county area. Chuck Giglio, Helen Barbas, cousin Venera LoRe, Mary Sampognaro and others helped him grow this division.
In the summer of 2000 they moved the School Division to 537 Dewey Ave and tripled the space. Patsy Fragnito converted this donut distribution bakery for us. Sam's wife Linda ran the production room, cousin Venera ran the sheet dough production room. Tom Frost joined Cindy in the offices, future brother in laws Tony Cilino & Dario Raffi ran the warehouse and several key drivers like Alex Raffi, Dave Debole, Scott Cropsy, Peter Macahimer, John Catalano and others helped this division grow. After 12 years of 4am wake up alarms Sam & Linda sold this division to US Foods in 2000.
Main Street Sold
At the age of 24, John Coraggioso sold 50% of the Ridge/Clinton Salvatore's location to his partner Chuck Fantauzzo and purchased the original location at 1985 East Main Street. SoccerSam's focus became new locations, the commissary and wholesale division, the school division and catering. John totally renovated this location and continues to be one of the busiest pizzerias in New York state. Nick Semeraro, who started making boxes at the age of 9, was the general manager of this location. John Coraggioso still owns and operates the East Main St location.
Dewey Ave Opens!
Cousin Mike DelGaizo, who married cousin Lisa Arbore, our first female employee, purchased the 537 Dewey Ave location. Mike had joined the company in 1988. He worked part time at the original Salvatore's and then helped open the original East Rochester location. Mike and Lisa helped perfect several recipes and eventually, in 2001, moved this location to the much bigger 1324 Dewey Ave location. The current Dewey Ave location is now owned and operated by Mike Schmidt & Alisia Rios.
The $5 Pizza
SoccerSam introduced the $5 Pizza Campaign that changed our company. Locations couldn't keep up with the demand of business and were forced to increase kitchen sizes and double their employee base. Several pizzeria's in town weren't happy with this aggressive campaign and Sam hired his newspaper carrier to start his car every morning. Seriously, this campaign changed the industry for many years and several pizzeria's closed during that era. Over the years several imitators attempted this promotion without much luck. Cousins John and Mike helped test new computers to all the locations, the first pizza chain in Monroe County to do so. They also helped test Sam's new Sicilian pizza dough recipe and fresh baked Italian sub bread. Locations updated their ovens to our new state of the art Air Deck Pizza Ovens to handle the volume of the famous $5 pizza promotion.
Pizza Hotline
The 234-5555 hotline was developed so customers only had to remember one number and then were transferred to their favorite Salvatore's.
Salvatore's Outlets
Salvatore's opened pizza outlets inside The Company Store in Gananda, NY and The Company Store in Cheshire, NY. Salvatore's sold pizza slices at several convenient stores around Monroe County. They also introduced Salvatore's soda pop and distributed three flavors throughout Monroe County (Mola Cola, Orange Sun & Purple Lips). The Coke a Cola company forced us to stop selling this product and Salvatore's switched to Pepsi.
Tony Mangione, John Coraggioso's cousin from Italy, opened the Scottsville location at 1735 Scottsville Rd in 1994. One of Tony's 16 year old employees Nick Pearl convinced his parents, Chris and Clay Pearl to purchase this location in 1997. Tony wanted a location closer to his family in Webster, NY. In 2003, during our 25th year celebration, Nick Pearl was away serving our country at Camp Lagoon. The Pearls continued to operate this location and have served generations of RIT students, until the location closed upon opening the Henrietta Saloon. The Henrietta Saloon is owned and operated by Nick Pearl and services all of Henrietta, including the previous Scottsville Rd and East Henrietta Rd customer base. 3 locations in one monster!
With the help of High School friend and long time car dealer, Tony Gabriele, Salvatore's became the first pizzeria in town to mass market on TV, radio & print. Salvatore's hired Jade Advertising and the Decker sisters, Patty and Penny, to handle the Salvatore's marketing budget. Patty Powers handled all Salvatore's marketing and we have become Rochester's top pizzeria. Also in 1996, Sam reserved the domain name, Our amazing webmaster, Michael Moran of Spinning Webs Internet & PC Services is brought on board to design and host our very first world wide website!
20 Year Anniversary!
With 8 locations, the company celebrated their 20th year in business at the Brasserie. They were the highest volume local pizza chain in the Rochester, NY area. Salvatore's was the first local pizzeria marketing on TV & radio.
In 1999, SoccerSam opened America's first Soccer themed Italian restaurant. The menu included all of Salvatore's favorite items in a new restaurant concept. This restaurant received world recognition during the 2002 World Cup. The restaurant was open almost 24 hours a day during this tournament. Sam sold the restaurant in late 2002 to focus on Salvatore's and help the Rochester Rhinos Pro Soccer Team.
Part 3: The Next Level (2003-2010)
25 Years
Salvatore's celebrated their 25th year in business with the help of cousin Ray LoRe, sister Rita, Chris, Nick and Clay Pearl, Greg and Stephanie Dillingham, cousin John Coraggioso and wife Dorothy, with sister Enza Sanfiluppo, Nick Semeraro, brother Chuck Fantauzzo, cousins Mike and Lisa DelGaizo and cousin Tony Mangione, the Alsafadi family, Michael Steger, Tony "Nino" Cilino, Cindy Wallace, Patty Powers and close to 250 employees.
Mt. Read Location
Our Mt. Read Blvd location opened in December of 2003. Cousin Mike DelGaizo, with his long time employee, Vincent Valerie opened this location. Vinny had been with the company for over 14 years. He started making boxes at our Dewey location when he was 12 years old. Vinny and the Valerie family now operate the Mt. Read location. This location is still currently owned and operated by Vinny Valerie.
East Rochester Part Two
Sam and Linda Fantauzzo found the perfect location, and with the help of John Coraggioso, they converted this old apartment into Salvatore's Old Fashioned Pizzeria. Children, Roxanna, Silvio and Salvatore II helped open this location and eventually sold it to long time Pepsi delivery guy Carl Horsford. Carl and his family continue to operate this location today.
New Name
Salvatore's Old Fashioned Pizzeria would be the new name, replacing Salvatore's Pizza & Subs and Salvatore's America's Premier Pizza.
Our Ontario, Route 104 location, was originally opened by Doug Lockhart, the head chef at the famous SoccerSam's Pizza and Pasta Cafe. Doug eventually sold this location in 2005 to 18 year old Silvio Fantauzzo, who had just graduated from Webster Schroeder High School. Silvio had been helping his dad since he was ten years old. This location was originally managed by Jay Harrison, who has been with the company for over 10 years. It is currently owned & operated by Sam's son Silvio Fantauzzo.
Henrietta Opens
Nick Pearl, who had been with the company since he was 16 years old, opened the Henrietta location inside the Rochester Sports Garden, with the help of his parents Chris and Clay. This location expanded and continued operations inside the Sports Garden, until the location closed upon opening the Henrietta Saloon. The Henrietta Saloon is owned and operated by Nick Pearl and services all of Henrietta, including the previous Scottsville Rd and East Henrietta Rd customer base. 3 locations in one monster!
Fairport Opens
John Coraggioso and Silvio Fantauzzo opened the Fairport location. This location was originally Arrivederci's Pizza and Subs, owned by Sebastian Curatolo. Sebastian was a High School friend of Sam's and trained at the original Salvatore's before going on his own. 25 years later, Sebastian retired and sold this Fairport landmark to the Salvatore family. John and Silvio totally renovated the interior of this location and Sebastian, who continued to own the property, totally renovated the exterior of this location. Today, it is one of the most beautiful buildings in the historic village of Fairport. The Fairport location was then owned and operated for many years by Mike Perrotta, before exchanging hands to Sarah & Alessio Santiago in 2024. Sarah and Alessio currently own and operate this location.
Victor Opens
John Coraggioso, with the help of Salvatore's founder Sam Fantauzzo, transformed an empty store front, in the village of Victor, to Salvatore's first "new look" dine in family Pizzeria. John and Sam spent months on this location with the help of their friend and landlord Luis Ribeiro. Luis and Dom Vieira own the east side Dunkin Donuts locations. Today this location is owned and operated by Mike Perrotta, long time Monroe Ave. manager and features a selection of beer & wine for dine-in customers of legal age.
Southwedge Opens
Cousin Mike DelGaizo and Vinny Valerie opened this location in June of 2007. This location was originally owned by cousin Ray LoRe and his family. Cousin Giacomo LoRe helped convert this building into a Pizzeria many years ago as he did the original Salvatore's. Mike and Lisa DelGaizo owned this location for years. In 2017, Greg Dillingham the owner of our original Monroe Avenue location purchased the location.
Eastridge Opens
Cousin Ray LoRe spent years dreaming about putting his second location at this corner, home of the original Donut Box. Ray went to school up the street at Eastridge High School and frequently went to the Donut Box. Ray has been operating the Ridge/Clinton location for years and needed to increase his presents in the East Irondequoit area. This location soon became one of our busiest locations. In 2014, the Eastridge location would become our first location to feature the Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips line of products. The location is currently owned by Ray LoRe and features a selection of beer & wine for dine-in customers of legal age.
Greece Opens
Sam Alsafadi had been working with his brother Hassan for over 15 years at the Lake Ave location. Sam was ready to go on his own and capture the west side market. Salvatore's had decided years ago to not go to the west side of Rochester because of several family friends owned Pizzerias and Deli's in that area. By 2008, all have closed down and it was time to explore the west side of Rochester and Sam Alsafadi took the challenge. The Greece location is doing amazing business! This location is currently owned and operated by Sam Alsafadi and brother Ramez Alsafadi.
Penfield Opens
John Coraggioso and Silvio Fantauzzo opened this location. Cousin Giacomo LoRe did all of the remodeling and converted this long time pizzeria into a new look Salvatore's Old Fashioned Pizzeria. Granite table tops and big screen TVs were part of the new look. The plaza recently was recently renovated and Salvatore's is an anchor tenant. Craig Houghton purchased this location in 2013. Craig currently owns and operates this location.
Doug Miller Sports Dome Pizza and Wing Outlet Opens
In May of 2009, Doug Miller, Sam's long time soccer friend and the greatest Pro Soccer Player to ever play for the Rochester Rhinos joined the Salvatore's pizza family. Salvatore's Pizza and Wing Outlet replaced the snack shop inside the Doug Miller Sports Dome in Spencerport. This was our test location for the Salvatore's Pizza Now! vending machine in 2015. This location continues to be a pizza wing outlet.
Donuts Delite Purchased
In March of 2009, The Salvatore Pizza family purchased this location. Sam had been driving by this historic landmark for the past 5 years that it was closed. He called on realtor Paul Schillaro over a dozen times with ridiculous offers on this Rochester landmark. Finally, Paul agreed to present Sam's offer to the Malley family and the deal was struck. John Coraggioso and the Main Street Salvatore's and cousin Ray LoRe, at the Eastridge Road Salvatore's owned the area rights and became partners with SoccerSam on this landmark donut shop, now serving Salvatore's famous full menu. This location took over 12 months to renovate and finally opened in January 12th, 2010. The Malley family helped with the original donut recipes. Nick Semeraro is the owner/operator of Salvatore's at the historic Donuts Delite building.
New Direction
In mid July of 2009, John Coraggioso temporarily took over the day-to-day office operations (SoccerSam illness) and accounting department of Salvatore's with the help of long time employee Cindy Kaehler. Brenda Sachs joined the team with years of experience in the food industry. Patty Powers joined the company full time and handled the marketing division with Lyndsay Houghton & Michael Moran. SoccerSam soon returned to operate the company with the help of wife Linda and children Roxanna, Salvatore II and Silvio and their amazing staff.
The Big Fire
November 23, 2009, tragedy strikes the Salvatore Pizza family. The Ridge/Clinton location, that has been in operation since 1984, was destroyed in an arson fire. The pizzeria was in the same plaza as the Dollar General. The Dollar General was set on fire by an arsonist and the entire plaza was destroyed. Cousin Ray LoRe was determined to re-open as soon as possible and make sure his employees had a job for the holidays. The entire company helped Ray relocate at the Garage Door Bar around the corner and today this location continues to be a success as a Salvatore's Pizzeria and Pub. The Garage Door location is owned and operated by Ray LoRe.
Honeoye Falls Opens
In December of 2009, Mike Perrotta, who had managed Greg Dillingham's Monroe Ave location for over 10 years opened in the beautiful village of Honeoye Falls. Mike totally renovated this former Attorney's office and brought back all the historic character of this building with tin ceilings and old fashioned architecture. Mike's father George and brother Mark helped Mike with all the renovations. Mike & long time friend Jon Gehrke helped open this location as they did the Victor location. Mike Perrotta is the current owner operator.
Walworth Opens
Lil Ray LoRe, who had been managing the Ridge/Clinton Salvatore's, owned by his cousin Ray, for over 15 years. He helped with the move of the Ridge/Clinton location to the Garage Door after the famous Dollar General fire. Lil Ray also helped renovate and open the East Ridge Road Salvatore's with his cousin. Lil Ray converted an old Gas Station in Walworth to a Salvatore's with a 1950s feel to it, with the help of his dad Charlie LoRe and his uncle Giacomo LoRe. This location soon became one of the areas busiest pizzerias. This location is now owned by Frank Freida.
Webster and East Main Renovations
Tony Mangione converted the Bay Road Salvatore's to a Pizza and Pub location. With the success of the Garage Door, and the recent move of Earthtones Coffee House, Tony decided to take the space and convert it to a full service Pizzeria and Pub. Tony's son Giovanni did all the renovations and this location was the first in the company to have an outside patio and live music. The East Main Street location also added an outdoor patio and renovated the exterior of our original Salvatore's.
Part 4: He's Back! (2011-2017)
Webster Village opens
Silvio Fantauzzo, the original owner of our Ontario, Fairport and Penfield locations, opened the Webster Village location in July 2011. With the help of John Coraggioso, his partner at Fairport and several family and friends, they converted the former Guidas/Roccos into a Salvatore's within 24 hours. This location is now a Pizza & Pub location with Beer, Wine & Full Bar. Silvio continues to operate both the Webster Village and the Ontario locations. In 2017 Silvio was promoted to President of Fantauzzo Family Brands Inc. to help grow the Salvatore's brand.
Rochester Lancers return
The Salvatore's Pizza family is proud to be a title sponsor of the new Rochester Lancers indoor soccer team to play at the Blue Cross Arena. The team will play in the MISL. Lancers Website
Greece/Latta Rd opens
On July 5, 2012, the 34th year anniversary of the opening of our original Salvatore's in 1978, Hassan Alsafadi and his family opened his 3rd location at 2044 Latta Road at the corner of Island Cottage inside the Mobil station. Hassan, his wife Rudiana and brother Sam spent weeks converting this former pizzeria into a beautiful Salvatore's take-out location. This location is still owned and operated by Hassan Alsafadi.
Ontario relocates
Our store #10 Ontario, located on Route 104, has moved across the street to the Mike's Ice Cream building. Silvio Fantauzzo has remodeled this location with dining room seating & giant TVs and will soon feature beer and wine. This location has plenty of parking and has easier access than former location. This location is still owned and operated by Silvio Fantauzzo.
Newark opens
Jay Harrison, 10 year plus manager has opened the Newark location with landlords Chris and Toni Avery on November 5, 2012. Our biggest grand opening week ever! This location has a beautiful dining room with giant TVs and also offers beer and wine. This location was sold to Craig Houghton in 2019, and Craig is the Owner/Operator now of both the Penfield and Newark locations.
Spencerport opens
Vincent Valerie opened his second location in Spencerport, in late June, 2012. The village of Spencerport residents have been extremely supportive of this beautiful new location. Spencerport has a beautiful dining room, giant TVs and now offers an Arthur Treacher's outlet and beer & wine for dine-in customers This location is now owned by Edina Kemez.
Avon opens
Mike Perrotta opened his 3rd location in Avon, NY. This location opened in early December, 2012. Mike, who also owns Victor and Honeoye Falls, sold the Avon location to longtime friend & co-manager Jon Gehrke in 2016. This location is currently owned and operated by Mo Mamdoh as of 2022.
35th Anniversary Year
Salvatore's celebrated their 35th anniversary on July 5th! Donna Jo Waasdorp handled new Franchise agreements. Rochester Lancers executives Rich Randall and Kayla Klark Kent helped the Salvatore's Dream Team! Our dream team expanded to include Ashley Maria King who started in May 2013 in the corporate office. Also, cousin Chucky Arbore returned to the company in August 2013 as Director of Operations.
Macedon opens
Macedon is location #27. Lil Ray LoRe opened his 2nd location in the Village in Macedon, NY. This location opened on July 15, 2013. (In September 2016, this location closed and it became a Stop Light Pizza location.) This location was then owned and operated by Frank Freida, and in Sept of 2023 exchanged ownership to Sanel Music. Sanel is the current owner and operator of the Macedon location.
Pittsford opens
Pittsford is location #28. Greg & Stephanie Dillingham, from our Monroe Ave. location, opened their 2nd location in the Village in Pittsford, NY on June 4, 2013. (In July 2016, the franchisee at this location did not renew his lease with the hopes of opening a larger Pizza Pub location, the location remains closed and the area is serviced by the Monroe Ave location.)
Fire at Eastridge!
Unfortunately, a fire on July 15, 2013 caused the Eastridge location to close for several months. On the brighter side, the closure enabled owner Ray Lo Re to make many improvement to the building including updating the outdoor signage and expanding the parking lot. Many interior improvements were done as well, and the location re-opened on September 23, 2013.
Exclusive pizza of BCA, Frontier Field, Total Sports Experience & Red Osier
In November 2013, Salvatore's signed agreements with the primary sports venues in Rochester to become their exclusive pizza provider. Having our pizza available at the Blue Cross Arena makes us the "official" pizza of the Rochester Americans (hockey), Rochester Knighthawks (indoor lacrosse), Rochester Lancers (indoor soccer), Rochester Razorsharks (basketball) and Rochester Red Wings (baseball). Salvatore's also became the exclusive pizza for Red Osier all over Rochester in the Total Sports Experience in Gates, NY.
Brockport location opens!
Our first location to open in 2014 was the Village of Brockport at 39 N. Main St. It opened January 2, 2014 by Massimo & Sophia LoGuidice. This newly remodeled location features beer and wine, giant TVs and a dining room. Steve Stokes and Louie Fernandez purchased this location in 2016. The location is now owned and operated by Louie Fernandez.
FREE PIZZA on Your Birthday!
Salvatore's introduces "FREE PIZZA" birthday promotion to their Pizza Perks Program. Anyone who is a Pizza Perks member receives a FREE medium 1 topping pizza on their birthday.
Bombar Nuts - "Heat You Can Handle!"
Local phenomenon Bombar Nuts were into the Salvatore's menu and is available at all locations! Bombar Nuts are infamous for their funny commercials.
Exclusive pizza of CMAC & Sahlen Stadium
In February 2014, Salvatore's signed agreements with CMAC in Victor, NY and Sahlen's Stadium in Rochester to become their exclusive pizza provider. They will have pizza available during all events at CMAC and Sahlen's Stadium.
On February 2, 2014 Salvatore's had the busiest sales day in 35 years with record sales across the board!
Valentine's Day - "Give Him or Her a Slice of Your Heart!"
Salvatore's re-introduced heart slices for Valentine's Day weekend. It turned into the busiest Valentine's Day sales ever!
Salvatore's Idol Commercial
Local phenomenon Daniela Albano performs several exclusive renditions of jingles that aired during popular reality television singing competitions like American Idol and the Voice during their 2014 seasons.
Arthur Treacher's
The Salvatore's Pizza Family reintroduced Rochester's favorite fish & chips, Arthur Treacher's. The first Arthur Treacher's location opened March 10, 2014 at our Culver/Ridge location at 2055 E. Ridge Rd operated by Ray LoRe. Our second Arthur Treacher's opened on April 7, 2014 in the Village of Webster at our 195 North Ave. location, owned and operated by Silvio Fantauzzo. This location has also added a selection of beer & wine to their dine-in menu! These first two locations proved to be so successful, that we opened two additional locations in May, 2014. A third Arthur Treacher's opened on May 5, 2014 at our Avon location owned by Mike Perrotta, and East Rochester opened on May 19, 2014 at Carl Horsford's 240 W. Commercial St. location. A fifth Arthur Treacher's opened at our Village of Spencerport location at 47 Slayton Ave. on July 21, 2014 and is owned & operated by Vinny Valerie. Sam Alsafadi and his family bring Arthur Treacher's to the West Side of town at our W. Ridge/Mall location for the sixth location. It's Fishalicius!
"We are excited about our Arthur Treacher's locations," said SoccerSam Fantauzzo, CEO/Founder of Salvatore's Pizza. "Arthur Treacher's has been a great addition to the Salvatore's brand."
The Salvatore's Pizza Family plans to co-brand additional Arthur Treacher's locations and several stand-alone locations throughout the Monroe County area.
2014 FIFA World Cup - Brazil
Salvatore's Pizzeria, Donuts Delite and Arthur Treacher's World Cup commercials aired during halftime of every FIFA World Cup 2014 match during the tournament.
Donuts Delite: WHEC TV Rochester ROCS "Best Donut in Rochester!"
In July 2014, Donuts Delite won the Rochester Rocs contest in the category "Best Donut Shop in Rochester" from WHEC News10NBC. Donuts Delite came in first place with 39% of the Facebook votes and earned a visit from the station's morning news anchor Nikki Rudd to congratulate owner Nick Semeraro.
Chili Opens!
Our 30th location in Chili opened in September, 2014 and is located at 4165 Buffalo Rd at Westside Drive. This location is owned and operated by Ramez Alsafadi. This location includes our famous full menu delivery, giant TVs, dining room, outdoor patio and beer & wine featuring $1 Gennys! This location is currently still owned by Ramez Alsafadi.
Arthur Treacher's opens at Greece/Mall location!
Sam Alsafadi and his family bring Arthur Treachers to the West Side of town. It's Fishalicious!
Salvatore's Saloon opens
Salvatore's Saloon opened its doors on April 20, 2015. The Scottsville Saloon location offers our Famous Full Menu seven days a week, with a large dining room offering table service, giant TV's, full bar and a separate party room. "The Saloon" theme is a first for the Salvatore's Pizza Family, and features nearly 50 beer varieties including many local choices. Salvatore's Saloon is owned and operated by Nick Pearl who has been with the Salvatore's Family since 1998. He also operates the Salvatore's locations in East & West Henrietta. Nick renovated the former grocery story in historic Scottsville Village with months of extensive work that brought the building back to its original architecture. This location was the first in our company to become a Craft Brewery. This location was owned by Nick Pearl for many years, until ownership exchanged to Tyler Stone in August of 2024. Tyler Stone is the current owner & operator of the Scottsville Saloon, while Nick Pearl continues to own and operate the Henrietta Saloon.
Salvatore's Pizza Now! vending machines
After test marketing a new vending machine concept at the Doug Miller Family Sports Park, "Salvatore's Pizza NOW!" vending machines began appearing around the Rochester area. Our famous recipes were used in this amazing product, cooked on the spot and ready in minutes thanks to the technology developed by Pizzametry based in Webster, NY. Salvatore's Pizza Now! machines were placed at several area colleges & hospitals and quickly became very popular. Fire code laws didn't help the growth of this concept.
1872 Cafe reopens downtown featuring Donuts Delite & Speedy Slice
In August, 2015 the Salvatore's Pizza Family reopened the 1872 Café at 431 W. Main St. in downtown Rochester. The cafe is in the historic Susan B. Anthony neighborhood. "This is another Rochester jewel that is so important to our city," said Salvatore "SoccerSam" Fantauzzo. The 1872 Café will remain the same and we will offer donuts from Donuts Delite, and a new pizza concept, “Speedy Slice." The 1872 cafe location was eventually sold, and is no longer part of the Salvatore's Family.
New ownership in Brockport
In October, 2015, business owners Steve Stokes and long time company manager Louie Fernandez took over ownership of Brockport location. Brockport now offers subs and FREE DELIVERY with valid SUNY Brockport student or staff id! Brockport is now currently owned and operated by Louie Fernandez.
Salvatore's rated #55 pizzeria nationwide!
In their annual list of the top 100 pizza companies in America published in November 2015, trade magazine "Pizza Today" ranked Salvatore's at #55 of the estimated 150,000 pizza place in the country! Click here to read the article and see the list!
Salvatore's & Donuts Delite featured on Roc-Opoly board game
In December 2015, just in time for holiday gift giving, our landmark brands Salvatore's and Donuts Delite appear on the localized board game RocOpoly!
New ownership at Avon
Jon Gehrke, a long time company executive took over ownership of the Avon location in January 2016 and will soon be adding a full bar. The Avon location is currently owned and operated by Mo Mamdoh.
Speedy Slice Grand Opening on Webster Avenue!
The new Salvatore's Pizza Family brand opened its doors at 256 Webster Ave. on February 24, 2016 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring City of Rochester Mayor Lovely A. Warren. The new Speedy Slice concept provides quality, fast and fresh pizza in neighborhoods throughout Monroe County that may have limited food options. Speedy Slice offers pizza slices and hot whole pizzas in less than 5 minutes! The limited menu and no delivery helps to offer affordable family pricing. George Moses, Executive Director of North East Area Development, Inc. (NEAD) will be the Operator of this flagship location. This Speedy Slice location closed.
Salvatore's Founder Honored as Community Hero
Salvatore "SoccerSam" Fantauzzo was honored on Sunday March 20th at the Brain Waves Event benefiting the Hickok Center for Brain Injury. SoccerSam was the 2016 recipient of their Community Hero award for his courageous struggle back from a brain injury caused by a medical complications in 2009. The mission of the Hickok Center is to provide a safe, supportive environment that encourages people with brain injuries and other neurological challenges to design and direct their own life.
New Media Partner
After 20 years of service, Patty Powers retired from the Salvatore's Pizza family. Darcey Garbin with JD Media will now be handling media buys for the Salvatore's Pizza family. Patty's departure from our company ignited the idea of a Salvatore's Hall of Fame for 2017.
Expanding our Pizzeria & Pub Concept
July 5, 2016: On our 38th Anniversary, Mary Chao of Rochester's Democrat & Chronicle published a story about our expanding locations to fit our new Pizzeria & Pub concept.
Click here to read the entire article from Mary Chao.
We are presently in the process of converting new Pittsford Village, Macedon and Walworth locations to fit our pub concept.
New ownership in Spencerport
In January 2017, Spencerport ownership changed. Louie Fernandez and Steve Stokes, who also own the Brockport location, are now the owners of the Spencerport Village Salvatore’s. This location is now currently owned and operated by Edina Kemez.
Giacomo Lo Re (1949 - 2017)
January 28, 2017: Tragedy in the Salvatore’s Pizza Family, cousin, Giacomo LoRe passed away. Giacomo was part of our original renovation team from day 1. Giacomo is responsible for our new look at most of our locations and spent the last few years helping renovate the Garage Door and the East Ridge Rd Salvatore’s locations that are owned by his son, Ray LoRe. Giacomo and his wife Venera were the original team to help us grow our brand in 1978.
February, 2017 - Cotton Candy Wing Sauce
February 14, 2017: The Salvatore’s Pizza Family introduced Cotton Candy Wing Sauce. This new sauce is bright pink, all natural and is an amazing wing sauce and dipping sauce.
Lake Avenue Renovations
Our 4000 Lake Avenue location was totally renovated inside and out in 2017. This location opened in 1982 and was the original new look of our growth back in the 1980s. Now, this location resembles our newer 2017 locations.
March 2017 - National Pizza Show in Las Vegas
Ashley Maria King and her staff went to the 2017 National Pizza Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Several new concepts and products are in the works.
April 2017 - New management for
Silvio Fantauzzo joins the corporate office as the President of Fantauzzo Family Brands, Inc in April 2017. Silvio has been training to replace SoccerSam’s day to day job responsibilities. Ashley Maria King is the Vice President of Fantauzzo Family Brands, Inc overseeing the growth of the company. Charles Arbore continues as director of operations and visits each store twice per week. Salvatore’s has been working on a new corporate office since August 2016 that will be located at 1661 Empire Blvd. This four story complex will help our company grow locally and nationally. (Opening date soon)
April 2017 - Food Truck
The Salvatore's Pizza family introduced a new marketing food truck this year. The vehicle will be used for special events and to market our brands throughout Monroe County.
The Lancers are Back!
In May 2017, the Salvatore's Pizza family is proud to announce the return of the Rochester Lancers soccer team. The team started in 1967 and will be celebrating its 50th anniversary season. The Lancers will play at Aquinas, the home of the original Lancers. The Lancers NPSL mens team will be coached by Rocheter soccer legend Doug Miller. Marc Mandell is the GM. Ashley King is the president of soccer operations. The Lancers also introduced a womens team to play UWS league and they will be called The Lady Lancers. Loren Ingllese and Sal Galvano will coach the womens team. Salvatore's Pizza family is proud to be the title sponsor.
National Donut Day - June 2, 2017
Salvatore's at the historic Donuts Delite building celebrated National Donuts Day for the 9th consecutive year. Our Mayor Lovely Warren, Country Executive Cheryl Dinolfo & Majors Doug & Judy Heart joined VP Ashley Maria King & Nick Semeraro owner on this historic day handing out free Cannoli Delite Donuts.
Monroe Ave Closed
On June 5, 2017 the Salvatore's Pizza location at the Clover Lanes Plaza in Brighton closed after 30 years of business. The Whole Foods project had been delayed and the landlord decided to close this property. Owner Greg Dillingham was unable to relocate in Brighton in 2017 and purchased the South Wedge location from Mike DelGaizo to service the Brighton area also.
Salvatore's Midtown
The Salvatore's Pizza family announced a new location at the former Midtown Plaza site at 245 East Main St. This location will introduce our newest concept for the upcoming years. This location is scheduled to open February 2018. Story here
New Corporate Office
The Salvatore's Pizza family purchased a property at 1661 Empire Blvd. in late 2016. We converted this property to a four-story office complex for the future growth of our brands. 1978 original employees Dave Gross & Charles Arbore helped with the renovation. The ribbon-cutting was scheduled for early 2017, with town delays the new location should open by January 2, 2018. We will have a test Speedy Slice location on the premises, complete training center and our new Salvatore's Pizza Hall of Fame and Rochester Soccer Hall of Fame.
The Doghouse
On November 2, 2017 the Salvatore's Pizza family purchased the famous Doghouse pub located at 678 W Ridge Rd, Rochester, NY 14615. This will be a new concept for the Salvatore's Pizza family featuring gourmet hot dogs and brews. Location scheduled to open St. Patrick's Day 2018. Story here
Welcome Jilliana!
Kayla Kent-Moreira welcomed her first child on September 21, 2017. Welcome Jilliana Marie to the Salvatore's Pizza Family!
Walworth Location
The Walworth location re-opened on November 6, 2017 at 3719 Walworth Palmyra Rd Walworth, NY 14568. This location was totally renovated with a new bar to meet the company's 2017 standards. Frank Freida is the operating owner. Frank started with the Salvatore's Pizza family in 2009 at our Lake Ave location. He then worked at our Main St location at the age of 23 he is the new owner of our Walworth location.
Veterans Day
On Saturday, November 11, 2017 Salvatore's introduced their new Veterans Day free pizza promotion. Each and every Veterans Day, Veterans & active military can receive a free medium 1 topping pizza, It's our way to say thank you!
Women to Watch
On December 3, 2017 the Democrat and Chronicle newspaper honored the Salvatore's VP Ashley Maria King as a Women to Watch. The story focuses on Ashley's ability to handle several departments at the Salvatore's Pizza family and her marketing abilities that helped us become one of the top pizzeria's in the country. Story here
New Charity
Salvatore's added a new charity for the 2017-18. The company will now support the Just Breathe Foundation as a gold sponsor. The Cystic Fibrosis Christmas Ball was on Saturday December 16, 2017. Company executives Ashley Maria King, Salvatore "SoccerSam" Fantauzzo & Linda Fantauzzo represented for the company. Rich Randall former VP of the Rochester Lancers represented our brand.
New Website - December 15, 2017
Sam Pizzo is now handling our website and Internet Marketing. Sam worked with longtime webmaster Michael Moran to update the Salvatore's website to the latest web technology. Sam has been instrumental in helping many company's upgrade their websites and add more online exposure from Google. Sam is determined to help the Salvatore's Pizza family grow in 2018 and beyond in many areas.
Part 5: 2018
May, 2018 - Salvatore's Pizza returned as the Title Sponsor of the Rochester Lancers and Rochester Lady Lancers outdoor soccer teams. More information at
June 1, 2018: National Donut Day Salvatore's at the historic Donuts Delite building celebrated National Donut Day with the Salvation Army. Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo & Majors Doug & Judy Hart from the Salvation Army joined Salvatore's VP Ashley Maria King & Donuts Delite Owner Nick Semeraro handing out FREE Cannoli Delite Donuts all day long!
July, 1 2018: Salvatore's VP of Operations, Ashley Maria King, got married! Salvatore's CEO & Founder, Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo said a reading at the wedding. Ashley's new Husband, Marek, is a Medical Student and lives in Erie, PA. For 3 years, Ashley has commuted 3 hours to and from Erie, PA & Rochester, NY for her job at Salvatore's. Donuts Delite was the main dessert at the wedding reception. A wall full of Donuts Delite... YUM!
July, 5 2018: Salvatore's celebrated 40 years of business in Rochester! In celebration of our 40th anniversary, Salvatore's donated $40,000 to Camp Good Days and Special Times, and announced that they have raised more than $40,000 for the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester.
July 5, 2018: Salvatore's Pizza Celebrates 40 Years with 2 Major Donations!
Handmade Gift from Customer, Tasha Mercado!
Aug 4, 2018 Salvatore's sponsors Austin Giorgio, star of The Voice, first concert at Geva Theatre. The concert sold out!
Sept 18, 2018: Spencerport New Owner: Edina Kemez. Dina is the first female franchisee that 100% owns and operates a Salvatore's location! Dina has worked for the Salvatore's Pizza Brand for over 10 years, and has now bought the Spencerport location from the previous owner. Welcome to the Family, Edina! Read more about Dina's story here
October, 2018: Salvatore's continues their Pink Pizza Box Campaign, for October's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and National Pizza Month. Salvatore's will have Pink Pizza boxes in all locations for an entire year, in hopes of donating $41,000 to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester by the end of 2019.
Oct 3, 2018: Chazz Palminteri, Star of A Bronx Tale, visits the original Salvatore's Pizzeria Location on E Main St! Chazz taste tested all of our famous specialty pizzas. Salvatore's introduces "The Calogero", a Specialty Pizza named after Chazz! Logo donuts and custom cake was provided by Nick Semeraro, Owner of Salvatore's at Donuts Delite. Salvatore's Pizza was announced as the "Official Food" on stage in the Rochester performances of A Bronx Tale the Musical at RBTL.
Oct 4, 2018 Taste of Rochester Opens. Salvatore's Outlet opens in the Greater Rochester International Airport inside of the Taste of Rochester booth! Customers can now get Salvatore's famous pizza in the airport, before or after their trips!
Salvatore's celebrates delivery drivers that have been with Salvatore's for 5+ years!
3 Generations of Pizza! Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo's grandson, Santino, starts working at the Webster Village Salvatore's location. From Baby TV model, to Pizza Maker!
November 11, 2018: The Salvatore's Pizza Family honored all Veterans with a FREE Medium 1 Topping Pizza on Veteran's Day.
Nick Pearl, Owner/Operator of 3 Salvatore’s locations: Scottsville Rd, E Henrietta, and Scottsville Saloon. Nick Pearl is a Veteran of the US Marine Corps. Nick landed in Kuwait on February, 15 2003. He was part of the Task Force Tarawa (TFT), the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The TFT is most known for their participation in the city of An Nasiriyah; Nick drove a Wrecker. Each year on Veterans Day, Nick sets up a POW/MIA tribute table at his Scottsville Saloon location. Under Nick's suggestion, all Salvatore's Full Menu locations no offer free pizza to Veterans and Active Military on Veterans Day.
December 2018: The Salvatore's Pizza Family decided to sell the 1872 Cafe located at 431 W Main St, and officially transferred ownership on December 15th. Salvatore's was affiliated with the Cafe since August of 2015, when SoccerSam reopened the Cafe located in Rochester's historic Susan B Anthony neighborhood. The 1872 Cafe featured the Speedy Slice concept. "We feel good about saving the café back in 2015, servicing the community for over 3 years, and finding someone to take over the business instead of closing it." said SoccerSam. The new owner is keeping much of the same menu, but the Salvatore's Speedy Slice concept has been removed, and the new owner is not affiliated with the Salvatore's franchise. The Speedy Slice concept can still be found at the Webster Avenue location. (256 Webster Ave)
Read more about it in the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle Digital Edition.
January 2019 - Salvatore's Pizza Supports Local Teams & Local Brews! All Salvatore's Pizza Pubs introduced new Lancers Lager by 3H Brewery. The Lager was made especially for the Rochester Lancers Indoor & Outdoor Soccer Teams. We LOVE LOCAL SUPPORTING LOCAL!
January 17, 2019 - Salvatore’s Old Fashioned Pizzeria was ranked #80 in Pizza Today’s list of the Top 100 Pizza companies in America! Full Release: Salvatore's Ranks In The Top 100!
February 14, 2019 - Another year of Heart-Shaped Pizzas! Salvatore's Pizza continues the tradition of selling Heart Shaped SuperSlice's on Valentine's Day. Give A Slice Of Your Heart!
March 17, 2019 - Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo is named "Business Leader of the Year" by the Rochester St Patrick's Day Parade! Congrats SoccerSam!
April 4, 2019 - Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo, Kayla Klark Kent-Moreira & Ashley Maria King meet with the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester to discuss the Pink Pizza Box Partnership, and learn about the Coalition's many programs and events to help the community. Salvatore's is proud to donate to this amazing organization that keeps all moneys raised, right here in Rochester, NY! Salvatore's pledged $40,000 donation to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester in honor of our 40th anniversary, and has goals to donate $41,000 next year!
May 28, 2019 - MONROE OPENING! A new location on Monroe Ave opened on May 28 at 2833 Monroe Ave (585) 461-5555. This new Monroe Ave Salvatore’s Pizza & Pub location features a spacious dining area with tables and booths for full dine-in service, a full bar with giant TVs, and a large slice display and pick-up counter. The location also features a large downstairs party room, that is available for private parties, events, sports teams, etc for no room charge. Dine-In, Take-Out & Delivery is available.
Franchisee Michael Perrotta is currently the Owner/Operator of three other Salvatore’s locations: Fairport, Victor & Honeoye Falls. Mike started as a pizza delivery driver at the original Monroe Salvatore’s location 22 years ago, at just 17 years of age. Like many other Salvatore’s Owner/Operators, Mike advanced through the Salvatore’s system from Driver to Manager to Owner—and now with four locations—Perrotta operates the most Salvatore’s locations in the franchise.
“We have been searching for a new location for nearly 2 years now since the Whole Foods project forced us to vacate the Clover Lanes plaza,” said Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo, CEO & Founder of Salvatore’s Pizza, “We are so happy that Mike found this location, and we are excited to be able to once again service the Brighton/Pittsford area properly. We thank our loyal customers for their patience!”
“The goal with this Monroe Avenue location is to create a family-friendly atmosphere, and serve some amazing food.” said Perrotta, Salvatore’s long-time Franchisee.
Read this great preview from our friend Mary Chao at the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle:
June 25, 2019 MACEDON OPENING. 91 W Main St, Macedon NY. (315) 538-0220. Frank Freida has opened his 2nd location in the Salvatore's Pizza Franchise. Frank is also the Owner/Operator of the Salvatore's location in Walworth, NY. The Salvatore's Pizza Family is proud & excited to once again be able to properly service the Macedon area & residents! This is a Salvatore's full menu dine-in, take-out and delivery location. The Macedon location is now owned and operated by Sanel Music.
August 2, 2019: Rochester Woman Online. Salvatore's VP of Operations Ashley Maria King, was featured as the Cover Story in the August edition of Rochester Woman Online.
The article can be found here:
The full magazine edition can be found here:
August, 2019: New Media Partner. June Kinsella from Frontline Advertising has joined the Salvatore's Pizza Family as the new media partner and advertising buyer. Welcome June! We are excited to have you represent the Salvatore's media brand and help bring Salvatore's creative and unique marketing to the next level.
September 20, 2019: Donuts Delite Apple Fritter Ale
(Rochester, NY) Apple Fritter Ale will launch on Friday, September 20 at Wegmans and Salvatore’s Pizza Pubs. Donuts Delite and the Salvatore's Pizza Family have partnered with Three Heads Brewing for a very Rochester collaboration, limited-edition fall seasonal. Customers are encouraged to visit Salvatore’s Pizza Pubs and Salvatore’s Beer & Wine locations, or Wegmans to get this limited-release ale while it lasts! Click here to read the full article!
November 1, 2019: Salvatore's Pizza was once again listed in the Top 100 Pizzerias in America, in Pizza Today Magazine!
November 11, 2019: Free Pizza For Veterans. Salvatore's Pizza gave out free ThinThin pizzas, mozzarella and 1 topping, to all Veterans and Active Military, on Veteran's Day, absolutely free!
November 17: Camp Good Days and Special Times Inc. honored Salvatore's Pizza as longtime partners at their 40th Anniversary Wine Auction Dinner. In attendance was Linda Fantauzzo, Silvio Fantauzzo, Ashley Maria King, and Ray & Maria LoRe. Salvatore's pledged to donate $40,000 to Camp Good Days and Special Times for their 40th Anniversary, and then re-pledged for next year, upping the donation to $41,000 in honor of their 41st anniversary.
November 22, 2019: Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo was the keynote speaker at “Entrepreneurship Day” at Monroe Community College.
January, 2020: Salvatore’s Pizza has supported soccer in Monroe county since 1980. Salvatore's was title sponsors of the original Lancers and Flash, IFSL, Rhinos, WNY Flash and in 2011 Salvatore’s helped bring indoor soccer to the BCA with the Rochester Lancers with sell out crowds for 4 seasons. In 2017, the NPSL and UWS Lancers brought outdoor men’s and women’s soccer back to Rochester. Salvatore’s staff including Ashley Maria King moonlighted as President to help keep soccer alive in Rochester. Friends that help start indoor lancers: Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo, Chris Wilmot, Steve Stokes, John Coraggioso, Dom Vieira, and Luis Ribeiro.
January 16, 2020: Donuts Delite Celebration. Donuts Delite celebrated its 10th re-opening anniversary by offering $10 dozen donuts all day. Bob Malley, Original owner, and Nick Semeraro, current owner, celebrated the occasion. In attendance were the individuals who helps reopen the iconic location: Salvatore Fantauzzo, Ray LoRe, and John Coraggioso. Lovely Warren, Honorable Mayor of Rochester NY, declared the Donuts Delite Cannoli Donut as her official favorite donut!
January 16, 2020: Press Conference. A press conference was held at Donuts Delite, and attended by all Rochester media, for a BIG announcement. It was revealed that a SECOND Donuts Delite location has been secured, and will open within a year! Introducing, Donuts Delite WEST, located at 674 W Ridge Rd.
January 31, 2020: Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo announced the 2020 Lancers Indoor Wall of Fame. 20 friends that helped bring indoor soccer to Rochester and continue today at the Dome Arena.
January 31, 2020: Salvatore's introduced NEW Cauliflower Crust Pizza! A Keto-Friendly pizza crust, with only 5 net-carbs per pizza. This adds to the long list of crust versions now available at Salvatore's, including: Regular, Multigrain, Gluten Free, ThinThin and now Cauliflower Crust.
February 14: Cares for Kids Radiothon. Salvatore's Pizza helped raise $8,000 for Golisano Children's Hospital... in just 1 hour! Salvatore's Pizza matched every donation that came through during the "Cuggi Power Hour" at the Radiothon.
February 21, 2020: Salvatore's Introduces NEW wing sauce choice! Van's Jerk Sauce! Locally made in Rochester, NY by Van from People's Choice Kitchen.
March 1, 2020. Chuck Fantauzzo joined Salvatore's as the Official Corporate Inspector! Chuck visits each location and makes sure each store is kept up to brand standards.
March 2, 2020: Newark Transfer. Craig Houghton, Owner/Operator of the Penfield location, purchased the Newark location from the longtime owners Chris and Toni Avery. Congratulations Craig, on taking over Newark! This is Craig's 2nd location within the brand.
March 11, 2020: Salvatore's introduced "Touch-Less Delivery". As concerns over Coronavirus continued to spread across the globe, Salvatore's introduced Touch'Less Delivery as an option for customers. This request can be made during the ordering process, and drivers will drop off pre-paid food directly outside customers doors, without the need for any customer to driver transaction, communication or contact. This was implemented to protect customers and drivers alike. Salvatore's also placed extra precautionary measures in place, to frequently sanitize and disinfect all often touched surfaces, as well as many other safety measures recommended by Federal, State and CDC guidelines to help prevent the spread of infection.
March 16, 2020: Due to Coronavirus, our industry experienced something brand new. A mandate was passed by Governor Cuomo that forced all restaurants and bars in NYS to shut down all dine-in business, effective immediately. Only take-out and delivery could still be offered at all of our locations.
March 16, 2020: Salvatore's Pizzeria was mentioned in Forbes online, for our innovative contact-free delivery service, Touch-Less Delivery. All other local news stations, radio and print also covered Salvatore's safety measures and precautions.
March 18, 2020: Ride-Along Touch-Less Delivery. Spectrum News visited Webster Village Salvatore's, and taped a Touch-Less Delivery in action.
March 19, 2020: Double Pizza Perks Points is BACK! Salvatore's brought back Double Pizza Perks Points for all orders that are placed online. Customers now earn 2x points per dollar for all orders that are placed through , and 1x point per dollar for all other orders. Pizza Perks customers also receive a free pizza on their birthday! More information can be found here:
March 19, 2020: Adam Chodak from News 8 WROC Rochester aired a feature on Salvatore's CEO and Founder, Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo, on Pizza, Soccer & More.
The segment can be watched here:
March 22, 2020: Donuts Delite starts "Doc Donuts" and became a viral sensation overnight! The decorated Logo donuts feature the face of Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director, out of respect for the guidance, honest and knowledge he provides our country during this pandemic. Dr Fauci is a true hero, and an Italian-American to be proud of! Donuts Delite was featured on all local stations, and received NATIONAL ATTENTION!
The Doc Donuts and other Logo Donuts can be pre-ordered or shipped by calling Donuts Delite at 585-288-5555
March 24, 2020: Start of Donations.
NEED TO FEED ROCHESTER CAMPAIGN: The Salvatore's Pizza Family started making donations to community fields who are putting themselves on the front-line against COVID-19. The community was asked to submit donation requests. Details:
The Salvatore's Pizza Family started offering 20% Off pizza orders for all First Responders, Health Care Workers, Doctors, Nurses and Military. Details:
March 25, 2020: Ding Dong Ditched! The Salvatore's Pizza Family began it's Ding Dong Ditched Campaign! Lucky Customers will be surprised with a Ding, Dong, Ditch from a Salvatore's Pizza Driver, who will leave a free pizza at the door of 100 random households per month. The Salvatore's Pizza Family is trying to bring a little bit of cheer and fun to the community during these challenging times.
Video Here:
March 26, 2020: Social Distancing Stickers and Counter Shields. Since the Executive Order for Social Distancing, mandating 6ft apart workspaces, Salvatore's has practiced social distancing. Thanks to our friends at Vital Signs, on March 26 we started installing Social Distancing Stickers in pick-up areas and kitchen station areas.
Plexiglass Counter Shields also began to be installed at all Salvatore's locations that are allowing customers to enter locations. Most locations have moved to curbside or pick-up window options only. More safety updates can be found here:
March 27, 2020: Make Your Own Pizza Kits. Salvatore's started a fun family activity, to keep meals exciting while families are stuck at home. The kit includes all the fixings to make your very own Salvatore's Medium Pepperoni Pizza!
Video Demonstration by Francesca here:
March 30, 2020: Donuts Delite is mentioned on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Video Links below.
April, 2020. Salvatore's Continues the FEED ROCHESTER program, making donations to frontline workers in the healthcare and first responder fields. Salvatore's is proud to support the community during this time. We Love You, Roc! More information here:
April 2, 2020. Doc Donuts were available for ONE DAY ONLY on April 2nd at ALL Salvatore's Locations! Customers could purchase 4 packs of Doc Donuts at all Salvatore's locations, while supplies last. They sold... like hotcakes! (.... this went so well, and sold-out so quickly.. that it was EXTENDED into April 3rd as well! )
April 2, 2020: Donuts Delite began SHIPPING Doc Donuts! They received thousands of orders immediately, to states all over the country. $10/4pack, plus Overnight Shipping Costs. Call 585-288-5555 for a quote on overnight food shipping to your state.
April 3, 2020. Kayla Klark Kent-Moreira, Salvatore's Corporate CFO, gave birth to her 2nd child, Thiago Alan Kent Moreira. Congrats to Kayla and new big sister, Jilliana!
April 5, 2020. All Salvatore's employees are now required to wear masks. This policy was passed by Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo, in efforts to protect both the public, and our employees. The Executive Order requiring all essential employees to wear masks when dealing with the public did not go into effect until April 15th. Once again, Salvatore's is ahead of the game!
April 7, 2020. Donuts Delite offered FREE ThankUDonuts to all Nurses, Doctors and First Responders, while supplies lasted! (one per person, with employment ID.)
April, 2020: Salvatore's continues 'Make Your Own Pizza Kit" and it gains in popularity! Many families are sending in pictures of their pizza projects at home. We are glad we can keep the Rochester community entertained during this time!
April 7, 2020: Salvatore's starts a Coloring Contest! Coloring and other activity sheets can be downloaded here: Hundreds of submissions came through! What pizza and donut masterpieces!
April 9, 2020: Donuts Delite introduces Decorate your own Bunny & Egg Donut Kits! Just in time for Easter! This was very popular for pick-up and delivery, all throughout Rochester on Easter Weekend! Team Donuts Delite stayed at the location all night long, prepping thousands of Donut Kits for the community.
April 11, 2020: FREE MASKS 😷 Donated by ONE Custom Clothier Owner Vince "Vinny The Suit" DiGiorgio, and distributed at Salvatore's Pizzeria Bay Rd Pizza Pub drive-thru pick-up window. Any Healthcare Field Worker, or First Responder, received a free sealed 10pack of disposable masks for themselves, staff or family. (One pack per person, with valid healthcare field or first responder ID, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.)
10,000 Masks donated by ONE Custom Clothier! Watch the Video by Owner Vinny DiGiorgio here:
All local iHeartRadio stations covered this, including the popular Kimberly & Beck show on Radio 95.1. TV Media Coverage Here:
April 16, 2020: The Salvatore’s Pizza Family is proud we could help a Girl Scouts troop with their fundraiser that was cut short, by purchasing the rest of their inventory. While supplies last, Salvatore's will be donating boxes of the Girl Scout cookies with our Feed Rochester donations. Visit to hear about our program, or to submit a location site for a donation consideration. The Salvatore’s Pizza family has the NEED to FEED Rochester! We appreciate ALL frontline and essential workers.
Read News 10 NBC Coverage Here:
April 16, 2020: Donuts Delite introduced new MASK DONUTS! Wear your Mask! These became immensely popular overnight, as the new Executive Order by the Governor just went into effect that all members of the community must be wearing masks when out in public.
April 17, 2020: Salvatore's President of Restaurant Operations Silvio Fantauzzo tests new full-location sanitation procedures at his Webster Village location. New preparations and protocols are beginning to be put into place for when the State begins to open again.
April 17, 2020: Donuts Delite introduces new MM&M Donuts! Mendoza M&M donut! In tribute to Dr. Michael Mendoza, Commissioner of Public Health for Monroe County.
April 23, 2020: Salvatore's made a national Pizza Magazine! PMQ gave Salvatore's Pizza a shoutout for our unique marketing initiatives during this difficult time. Read the article here:
April 30, 2020: Donuts Delite was featured on Wham 13! Click for video and article:
May 1, 2020: Salvatore's Continues FEED ROCHESTER Campaign! The Salvatore's Pizza Family donated over $30,000 worth of pizza to hospitals, healthcare sites and first responder sites throughout the Month of April. Salvatore's is continuing the campaign throughout May. Details can be found here:
May 1, 2020: The Salvatore's Pizza Family purchases the remaining Girl Scout Inventory from 2 More Troops! The Girl Scout fundraiser was cut short due to COVID-19. The cookies will be donated along with Salvatore's Feed Rochester Donations, while they last.
May 10, 2020: The Salvatore’s Pizza Family is proud to support our friends at the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester for their Virtual Mother’s Day Pink Ribbon Walk & Run as a Gold Sponsor! Salvatore's Pink Pizza Box campaign helps us donate money to the BCCR monthly. Our goal this year is $41,000!
May 10, 2020: The Salvatore's Pizza Family offered Heart Shaped SuperSlices for Mother's Day! Always a Big Hit!
May 15, 2020: Salvatore's introduces new Safety Tape at all locations. This is just another one of Salvatore's active safety procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSS: Salvatore’s Safety Seal! To ensure Salvatore's customers that their food has not been opened on its way from our Kitchen, to their hands. The safety tape has a hidden message to reveal if it has been opened.
May 21, 2020: Donuts Delite offers FREE Graduation Donuts to all 2020 High School or College Graduates! Any senior can pick up a free Grad Donut from Donuts Delite, with any purchase. Congrats Grads!
May 26, 2020: The Salvatore's Saloon installed new safety shields at their bar and in between bar stools, in preparation for dining rooms and bars to be reopened soon. These extra safety precautions are being taken to keep both employees and customers safe. Salvatore's Pizza Pubs and Saloons are ready to re-open!
June 4, 2020: Outdoor Patio Seating is now allowed in Phase 2 of the NYS Reopening Plan! All Salvatore's Pizza Outdoor Seating is now OPEN for customers to order take-out food and enjoy at an outdoor table! All NYS safety protocols are being followed, including but not limited to, tables spaced a minimum of 6ft apart, face covering worn by employees, face coverings worn by customers until they are seated, and more.
June 5, 2020: National Donut Day! Donuts Delite debuted a brand new product: The Fritter a la Mode! A mini version of Donuts Delite Famous Apple Fritter, with vanilla ice cream sandwiched in between. A GOURMET ICE CREAM SANDWICH! All customers on Friday, June 5 can receive a FREE Fritter a la Mode with any purchase, while supplies last. A portion of all proceeds that day at Donuts Delite to be donated directly to the Salvation Army of Rochester, NY.
June 12, 2020: Phase 3 begins of 'New York Forward' Re-Opening Plans! Dine-in and Bars at Salvatore's Pizzeria locations are allowed to re-open. Dining Rooms can open at 50% capacity, with tables spaced 6ft apart. All employees are required to wear masks, and customers must also wear masks until they are seated. Salvatore's locations have prepared for this re-opening for weeks, and have amped up all Safety protocols! We are going above and beyond all NYS and DOH re-opening and safety guidelines, to protect both our employees and customers.
June 15, 2020: Salvatore's is giving away OVER A QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS in FREE PIZZA! Win "Free Pizza For A Month"!
The Salvatore's Pizza Family is giving away "Free Pizza For A Month" to 3,000 customers!🍕 Enter to win and see details here: (Includes 4 coupons for a Free Large 1 Topping Pizza, $85.20 value per winner!) No Gimmicks... Just Love! ❤️ WE LOVE YOU, ROC! ❤️
July 5, 2020: Salvatore's celebrates 42 years of business in Rochester, NY! Thank you Rochester!
July 7, 2020: From July 7 - July 12, Donuts Delite sold Limited Edition Bumbleberry Pie Donuts to raise money for Holy Childhood. The donuts featured Special Touch Bakery's pie filling and crumb topping. All proceeds were donated to Holy Childhood, and totaled $5,300!
August 3, 2020: Salvatore's President of Business Operations, Ashley Maria King, gave birth to her first child - Malina Maria! Congrats to Ashley and Marek on their new addition to the family.
August 6, 2020: Salvatore's CEO & Founder Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo turns 60! SoccerSam was featured on the cover of Rochester Woman Online's Men's Magazine edition.
Link to the article here:
Link to full online magazine here:
Oct 16, 2020: Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo and Linda Fantauzzo were Honorary Chairs for the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester's Artrageous Affair Gala! The Gala was virtual this year (due to COVID19), and was instead televised on Friday, October 16th on 13WHAM. Salvatore's Pizza has been raising funds for the BCCR since 2012 with the Pink Pizza Box campaign that used to run every October. It was soon turned into a year-long tradition of Pink Pizza Boxes in efforts to raise money for the BCCR year-long, instead of just during October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For Salvatore's 40th anniversary in 2018, $40,000 was donated to the BCCR. This year, for Salvatore's 41st anniversary, the goal is to donate $41,000 to the local organization. The Salvatore's Pizza brand was proud to be a GOLD sponsor of the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester's Artrageous Affair (virutal) Gala this year, and Sam & Linda were honored to be a part of it. Thank you! For more information on the BCCR and their local mission, visit
Oct 19, 2020: Salvatore's Pizza's FIRST employee celebrated her 80th Birthday! Happy Birthday to Aunt Mary Arbore, a Salvatore's Wall of Fame Member! Full Wall of Fame can be found below.
Aunt Mary Arbore is pictured here with her grandkids.
Oct 20, 2020: The Debate Donut! SoccerSam’s childhood friend JoAnn Formoso sent him the idea. Within days Nick Semeraro and his team at DD perfected the Debate Donut series.
November 4, 2020: Waiting Donut! Donuts Delite debuted a donut for everyone waiting for the election results! Biden vs. Trump! The donut made its appearance in Donuts Delite shelves for days while election ballots were still being counted.
November 11, 2020: Veteran's Day. This is Salvatore's 4th year giving away free pizza on Veterans Day! Free 12" ThinThin Pizza with 1 topping for all Veterans and Active Military from 11am - 2pm at all Salvatore's locations.
November 25, 2020: Orange Zone. Governor Cuomo moved parts of Rochester's yellow zone to orange zone, due to increasing COVID cases. Orange zone once again closed dining rooms. Salvatore's stores effected include: Donuts Delite, East Main St, Irondequoit, Southwedge, Dewey, Mt Read and Monroe Ave. Donuts Delite debuted the "Orange Zone Mask" donut.
November 27, 2020: Pancreatic Cancer Association of WNY. Donuts Delite helps to raise money for the PCAWNY through Purple Donuts sold Nov 27 - Nov 30. More info here:
November 28, 2020: Donuts Delite celebrates the 86th Birthday of Donuts Delite Founder, Bob Malley! Free Lemon Cream Donuts were given away with any purchase on Nov 28th in honor of Mr. Malley. Full Story here:
December 2020: Salvatore's launched "Food For Families". Rochesterians could nominate a family in need, and Salvatore's helped provide gift cards for food. Over 200 $25 gift cards were sent out anonymously to help. Gift Cards were to Salvatore's, Palmers Direct To You Market, or Wegmans. The gal was to provide families in need with some extra help to put food on the holiday table. Happy Holidays from the Salvatore's Pizza Family!
December 11, 2020: Salvatore's participated in a Helicopter drop with Santa Claus! On Friday, December 11th, Holiday gift certificates were distributed to RGH Doctors, Nurses and Staff. Salvatore's donated over 600 Pizza Vouchers. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus made a stop (by helicopter) to RGH, and other local hospitals. This event was to show appreciation to the medical workers who continue to put themselves on the frontline against the COVID-19 pandemic. Big Thanks to the partners below:
- Santa (Kris Kringle, Papa Noel, Topo Gigio, friend of Buddy the Elf) and Mrs. Claus
- John Casciani - Providing the helicopter
- Kevin Casey, MD, Rochester General Hospital President
- Kelly McCormick-Sullivan, Rochester Regional Health Foundations President
- Danny Daniele – Royal Car Wash certificates
- Sam Fantauzzo “SoccerSam” – Salvatore’s Large Pizza certificates
- Jon Gabriele – Marina Dodge free oil change certificates
- Jim Gray – Bill Grays certificates
January 1, 2021: Sub In Tub was introduced at locations as a healthier, carb-free sub option (also Keto-Friendly!) All the toppings of the sub, in a tub, bread-free!
January/February: The Buffalo Bills made it to the Eastern Division Championship. Donuts Delite debuted Bills donuts, depicting Josh Allen and more. SuperBowl donut platters were also introduced!
February 6, 2021: Nick Pearl, Owner/Operator of 3 Salvatore's locations, made an appearance on Fox & Friends on Fox News to discuss the current COVID 10pm dine-in/bar curfew, its impact on #SuperBowl, and the many safety measures he has implemented in Nick's Salvatore's Saloon.
February, 2021. Salvatore's introduces KETO-FRIENDLY options at all stores! With the Keto Diet booming, Salvatore's wanted to offer lunch & dinner options to customers following these guidelines. Salvatore's Cauliflower Crust is a Keto-friendly option, as it is only 5 net carbs PER PIZZA CRUST! Salvatore's also launched SUB-in-TUB which is all the fixings for your favorite sub, without the bun! The sub is served in a "tub" and still lets you enjoy a sub for lunch, guilt-free & bread-free! Salvatore's newest Keto Friendly option is the PIZZA BOWL! All the favorites on a pizza, sauce, mozzarella & toppings... with no pizza dough! It's pizza in a bowl!
February 24, 2021. Salvatore's launched ThinThin TWINS! (Not Always Identical!) Salvatore's introduced the new double ThinThin Box. 1 Box, 2 Pizzas! Only $14.95.
March 1, 2021: The Salvatore’s Family congratulates Van from People's Choice Kitchen! They celebrated 20 years of business, and Van was presented with the Key to the City of Rochester! Salvatore’s Pizza uses Jerk Chicken Wing Sauce from People’s Choice Kitchen. We are honored to know you & celebrate you, Van!
May 18, 2021: Canandaigua Salvatore's opened on Tuesday May 18 with a ribbon cutting at 3pm & a grand opening at 4pm. Congrats to Ameer Alsaffar, who is the longtime Manager of the Salvatore's in Chili, on being the Owner/Operator of this new location. This location couldn't have happened without the support and guidance from Uncle Ed! This is Salvatore's first store opening since the COVID pandemic. Full story and press release here:
May 24, 2021: The Salvatore's Pizza Family held a "Farewell Party" for Salvatore's President of Business Operations Ashley Maria at Shadow Lake. Ashley's Husband Dr. Marek accepted a job at a hospital in Florida, and Ashley is moving. Thank you, Ashley for 8 years with our brand!
May, 2021: It's Electric! The Salvatore's Pizza Family introduces a fleet of electric cars! Salvatore's locations are trying to use electric vehicles for deliveries, and are installing charging stations at select locations.
June 1, 2021: The City of Rochester held a press conference to announce the title sponsor of the 2021 Rochester Summer Soul Music Festival: ! The Music Fest will be held on August 29, 2021 at Frontier Field. Main act includes Boyz II Men, & more. Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo was in attendance at the announcement, along with Mayor Lovely Warren, former Mayor William Johnson, City Council President Loretta Scott, and Salvatore's partner & co-sponsor, Van Stanley of People's Choice Kitchen - Salvatore's Pizza's favorite jerk chicken wing sauce!
June 4, 2021: Donuts Delite once again celebrated National Donut Day! The location at Empire @ Culver gave away free Apple Fritter a la Modes with any purchase on Friday, June 4. Due to the heat wave, the generous Nick Semeraro & team at Donuts Delite decided to extend the free gourmet ice cream sandwich giveaway ALL WEEKEND! Loyal customers lined up all weekend to receive their free treat to help keep cool.
July 5, 2021: The Salvatore's Pizza Family celebrates 43 years of Business in Rochester!
July, 2021: Nick Semeraro & his sons continue renovations at the Donuts Delite West location... opening soon! Stay tuned!
September, 2021: Kayla Moreira, Salvatore's CFO, is featured as the COVER Woman on the September edition of Rochester Woman Online's Magazine. Congrats to our very own, "Mama Monies"!
Read the full issue here:
October 2, 2021: Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo was the Honorary Captain and performed the coin flip with County Executive Adam Bello at Camp Good Days and Special Times Courage Bowl.
October 17, 2021: Rochester has lost a legend with the passing of Robert "Bob" Malley. Bob Malley and his family were the original founders of Donuts Delite, the iconic Donut Shop in Rochester, NY located at 1700 Culver Rd. The Rochester staple opened back in 1958 and the Malley Family ran the business until 2005. In 2009, the Salvatore's Pizza Family re-opened the landmark with the blessing from Bob Malley. Bob shared all the original recipes and secrets to donut success, and still was a frequent visitor, consultant and mentor to the business up until his passing on Sunday, October 17, 2021.
Read the full story here:
Rest In Peace, Mr. Malley.
The Salvatore's & Donuts Delite Family plan to pay tribute to Bob Malley, and honor his donut legacy forever.
Bob- a true Rochester Business Icon, the mark you left on our community will never be forgotten; you are greatly missed.
October 23, 2021: SoccerSam got to meet one of his idols, David Beckham! Beckham promised to stop by for SuperSlice if he ever comes to visit our great City of Rochester, NY
December 1, 2021: We LVE ROCHESTER! The Salvatore’s Pizza Family has announced today.. NEW $10 DAILY DEALS! "We decided to take care of the customers that have taken care of us since 1978." said Salvatore “SoccerSam” Fantauzzo. “We refuse to lower our quality or shrink portion sizes like others have done. With the help of cousin Ray LoRe who owns 2 locations we have tested these DAILY DEALS, our amazing customers will love them."
CLICK To Visit Daily Deals Page!
December 22, 2021: DelGaizo Retirement. Cousin Lisa DelGaizo & her Husband Mike retire from Salvatore's. Lisa was one of our first employees in 1978. Her boyfriend at the time, Mike, started working for Salvatore's part-time in 1987. They purchased the Dewey location in 1990, and 30+ years later... Happy Retirement!
December 22, 2021: Dewey Sale. Welcome to the new Owners of the Dewey Ave location! Long time Eastridge Management team, Alisia Rios & Michael Schmidt become the new owners. Congrats & Good Luck!
December 25, 2021: Welcome to the Salvatore's Family, Gabriella Grace! The new daughter of our "Mama Monies" CFO Kayla Klark Kent-Moreira. Congrats on your beautiful Family!
December 31, 2021: New Years Commercials. Salvatore's annual Happy New Year TV commercials looked a bit different this year, as each one featured all the store owners & office executives. Thank you to our amazing team for another year of hard work and dedication to the Salvatore's Brands!
January, 6, 2022: Betty White Donuts. To honor the amazing life & legacy of comedian, actress & legend Betty White - Donuts Delite offered limited edition Betty White Donuts. 99 of these donuts were offered first-come-first-serve to commemorate her age.
February, 13, 2022: The Salvatore's Family mourns the passing of SoccerSam's mother, Vincenza Fantauzzo.
February, 21, 2022: Family Business! Giovanni Coraggioso joins the East Main St staff full time. Giovanni is the son of one of Salvatore's first employees, John Coraggioso. John is the Owner/Operator of the original Salvatore's location at 1985 East Main St. Welcome Giovanni!
March 3, 2022: NEW LOCATION: Salvatore's Henrietta Saloon!
The Salvatore’s Pizza family has struggled for the past two years with staff shortages, like most American small businesses.
Our Solution.. THREE IN ONE!
Salvatore’s will be opening a new location at 352 Jefferson Rd. This location will service the majority of three former Salvatore’s delivery areas.
Grand Opening for the “NEW” HENRIETTA SALVATORE’S SALOON will be Wednesday March 2, 2022 at 11am.
“We are forced to move three locations into one. With a 1/3 of the management team and key team members and one giant kitchen we can handle most of the delivery area of three former locations” said Silvio Fantauzzo, President of Salvatore’s, a family-owned local pizza chain
The Pearl Family will own and operate the “NEW” Salvatore’s Henrietta Saloon. “I can operate with one key management team instead of three by moving my east and west Henrietta locations and the former Monroe Ave location into 352 Jefferson Rd.” said Nick Pearl, Operating Owner and Marine Veteran.
Salvatore’s started in 1978 as an Eastridge high school project. “I never imagined we would experience staff shortages like we are today. It kills me that we are eliminating key management positions but it’s survival for now” said Salvatore “SoccerSam” Fantauzzo, Founder of Salvatore’s.
The “NEW” Salvatore’s Henrietta Saloon will offer Salvatore’s famous full menu delivery, pickup, curbside with a large dining room, full bar and future giant outdoor patio.
Media members, town officials and customers are invited to the 11AM ribbon cutting on Wednesday March 2, 2022 @ 11AM, 352 Jefferson Rd.
March 1 - March 7, 2022: We Stand With Ukraine. Donuts Delite held a fundraiser for ROC Maidan and the local Ukranian community by selling We Stand With Ukraine logo donuts. Salvatore's corporate matched the donation. A check presentation ceremony was held on March 7th, with $14,000 donated! The largest donation to date! Thank you Rochester for your support with this fundraiser.
March 7, 2022: We Stand With Ukraine Dinner Fundraiser. Salvatore’s Pizza Pub located at 1217 Bay Rd held a fundraiser for ROC Maidan and the local Ukranian community by donating 20% of all dine-in and bar sales from 3-8pm on March 7th. $2,000 was raised! Thank you Rochester!
(Rochester, NY) The long-awaited Grand Opening of Donuts Delite West at 674 W Ridge Rd. will have a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Today, Monday March 14 @ 12PM (NOON).
Mayor Malik D. Evans with city officials will be joining Nick Semeraro & Family, The Family of Donuts Delite Founder, Robert Malley & Team Salvatore’s for this Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.
Donuts Delite West will officially open Today, Monday March 14, 2022 at 1pm for customers.
“Covid delays with equipment and more has been a challenge. I’m excited for Monday’s grand opening, our new Donuts Delite West looks amazing” said Nick Semeraro, Owner.
The original Donuts Delite opened in 1958 at the corner of Empire & Culver. The Salvatore’s Pizza Family purchased the landmark location in 2009 from the Malley family and reopened in 2010.
“I love Rochester history and it’s so great that we are able to turn the famous Dog House Bar back to its original use as a donut shop” said Salvatore “SoccerSam” Fantauzzo, Founder of Salvatore’s.
The property at 674 W. Ridge Rd was originally Simpson’s Donuts. Murray Simpson was the original partner with the Malley’s in 1958. Murray left in 1959 to open Simpsons Donuts at this location at 674 W. Ridge Rd.
“We hope the west side of town supports Nick and Donuts Delite West. Monday is a special day, the Grand Opening and Nick’s birthday” said Silvio Fantauzzo, President of Salvatore’s.
The new Donuts Delite West location will offer take out, dine in, outdoor patio and donut delivery county wide from 6AM-6PM daily.
Donuts Delite West Grand Opening Today, Monday March 14, 2022 @ 674 W Ridge Rd.
· Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Media & City Officials: 12PM (NOON)
· Doors Open for Customers: 1PM
March 22, 2022: The International Pizza Expo & Conference, Las Vegas. The Next Generation! Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo attending the International Pizza Expo with Salvatore's next generation! In attendance was SoccerSam's son Salvatore Fantauzzo II, grandsons Santino Fantauzzo & Salvatore Fantauzzo III, and nephew Dante Cilino. Dante's father, Nino Cilino, came with Sam to his very first Pizza Show in 1984 that changed Sam's life and the course of Salvatore's success! We hope this next generation "feels the sauce" for life!
March 23, 2022: The "Cake Boss" Meets The "Pizza Boss!"
March 28, 2022: Salvatore's Kicks Back to Breast Cancer Coalition. Salvatore's once again returns as a Title Sponsor for the Rochester Lady Lancers Soccer Team, and helps support FREE TICKETS for all fans at the 2022 home season games. Fans are encouraged to make a donation to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester upon attendance, in lieu of purchasing a ticket for entry. For more information and full press release:
April 1, 2022: It's Electric! Salvatore's is featured for using electric delivery vehicles, during our Nation's time with high gas prices. Salvatore's locations started introducing electric delivery vehicles at some locations in May of 2021. CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
May, 2022: Donut Day! Donuts Delite West & the Town of Greece partnered to support the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund through the Town of Greece 200th Anniversary Commemorative Logo Donut Sales.
May 13, 2022: Longtime Salvatore's employee Ashley Maria celebrates the birth of her new baby boy, Aleksy Adam. Congrats Ashley, Marek & Malina on the newest addition to your family!
May 27, 2022: Prom! SoccerSam's first grandson celebrates his prom! Congrats Santino! Santino is the 3rd generation Fantauzzo working for the Salvatore's Pizza brand.
June 3, 2022: Donut Day! The first Donut Day Celebrations at TWO Locations! Donut Day was celebrated at the original Empire @ Culver location, as well as the new W Ridge Rd location, handing our free mini Cannoli Donuts to all customers with a purchase. Donuts Delite partners with the Salvation Army each year on Donut Day.
June 29, 2022: 44 Year Anniversary! Salvatore's Pizza Announces Donation. The Salvatore's Pizza Family celebrates their 44th Anniversary on July 5th. SoccerSam and his wife Linda have donated monies yearly to several Rochester based nonprofits and youth sports teams on behalf of Salvatore’s Pizza. This year the Fantauzzo’s have chosen the Northeast Quadrant Advanced Life Support (NEQALS). READ FULL PRESS RELEASE HERE:
July, 2022: New Avon Owners! Welcome to Mahmood & Ahmed Mamdoh, the new Owners of the Avon Salvatore's location! Mo and his brother Ahmed have worked for Ramez at our Chili location and helped with the opening of our Canandaigua location. Mo is also a registered Nurse and is working on his Bachelors Degree. He’s married to Deanna and they have two daughters, Zeena and Zahrah. Longtime Avon manager Michele will stay on as part of the new Avon Team!
August 2022: Salvatore's brings back Wacky Wing Wednesday! For a limited time only, on Wednesdays enjoy 10pc Wings for just $10, with any purchase. Take advantage of this Wacky Wing Wednesday offer... while it lasts!
October 1, 2022: Salvatore & Linda Fantauzzo are Honorary Chairs at the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester's ACTober event.
October 2, 2022: Salvatore & Linda Fantauzzo are honorary Captains with County Executive Adam Bello at the Camp Good Days and Special Times Courage Bowl game.
October, 2022: Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo is named on The Rochester Business Journal's Icon Honors list! Read More here:
November 14, 2022: A celebration for Mike & Lisa DelGaizo was held in Florida, to celebrate their retirement from the Salvatore's Pizzeria Brand! Mike & Lisa operated the Dewey Ave location from 1990 - 2021. Cousin Lisa (Arbore) DelGaizo was one of Salvatore's very first employees! Thank you for your amazing years of dedication to our brand, and good luck on all your future endeavors!
November 21, 2022: Salvatore's launched a brand new specialty pizza - a permanent addition to the menu: THE LOVE HOLLY PIZZA! This pizza is named after Holly Anderson, President of the Breast Cancer Coalition. Read the full press release and story of the $50,000 donation for this pizza here:
December 5, 2022: Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo was recognized as an ICON! Back in October, The Rochester Business Journal announced their nominee's for their Icon Honors Awards. A celebratory event and award presentation was held at the Genesee Valley Country Club on December 5th. Read More here:
December 17, 2022: Salvatore's partnered with Camp Good Days & Special times for their Annual Christmas Radio Special & Fundraiser! SoccerSam was joined by Gary & Wendy Mervis from Camp Good Days, Jeff DiVeronica, Rich Jones & Ashley Maria at the FoxSports 1280 studio at iHeartRadio. Read more here:
December 18, 2022: Salvatore's celebrates the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final! Congrats to Messi & Argentina. Thank you Rochester for celebrating all the World Cup games at our Pizza Pubs & Saloons. Story & video coverage of the Final game & viewing party at our East Main St location here:
December 28, 2022: Salvatore's has changed the name of a popular specialty pizza! The Meathead will now be known as Fred's Meat Market Pizza!
Read the story of the name change & full press release here:
January 9, 2023: Hilton Open! The Hilton Location held a Soft Opening on Monday, January 9th at 4pm. Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting to be scheduled for February 14th! Hilton Salvatore's located at 75 Lake Ave (former Hilton Hotz) will be owned and operated by Marco Falletta. Marco has worked for Salvatore's for almost 10 years, and resides with his family in the Hilton area. This location features Salvatore's Famous Full Menu, available for dine-in, take-out & delivery. The location will also feature a Pizza Patio with an outdoor bar. Live music & entertainment coming soon!
Click here to visit the Location Page
January 21, 2023: He's Back! Salvatore's announces the return of Mike DelGaizo!
•Mike started as a part-time employee in 1987. He has over 35 years of experience with the Salvatore's brand
•He owned the Dewey Ave location since 1990, and retired at the end of 2022
•Mike helped Salvatore's develop and perfect recipes & procedures for dough, fresh baked bread, cookies, plates, plate sauce, air-deck ovens, computers, catering and so much more!
•Mike is a great chef, teacher & leader!
We are excited to see Salvatore's grow with Mike as a part of our corporate team!
January 27, 2023: Salvatore's expands South! Salvatore's is excited to introduce Dr. Ferdinand Formoso. Dr. Formoso is heading up the expansion of Salvatore’s Old Fashioned Pizzeria in the State of Florida, with the first store opening in Jacksonville, Summer of 2023. More locations to come!
Read full press release here:
Read teaser press release here:
February 14, 2023: Hilton Salvatore's celebrated their official Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting! Congrats to Marco Falletta and family. Thank you to the Village of Hilton, Town of Parma, and key Salvatore's partners & vendors for attending. Heart SuperSlices & Donuts Delite Donuts made this Valentine's Day a sweet celebration!
Press Coverage:
May, 2023: The Salvatore's Pizza Family has commissioned local Artist, Anthony Caruso to create our 45th Anniversary Love Rochester Art!
Salvatore’s celebrates 45 years in business on 7/5/2023. This piece of art reflects Salvatore’s love of Rochester, with the color Pink representing Salvatore’s continuing to help raise awareness for the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester.
Each location will have a copy of this Masterpiece displayed. Thank you, Anthony Caruso!
May, 2023: Salvatore's & Donuts Delite were presenting sponsors of WBEE 92.5's Guitars & Stars show, which was sold out at the RBTL Auditorium Theatre. Salvatore's at the Historic Donuts Delite location created the Apple JELLY ROLL donut, in honor of Jelly Roll - a popular artist at the concert. This has now received national attention and a magnitude of social media shout-outs! Story & Clips:
May 27, 2023: Hilton Salvatore's held a Grand Opening for their Pizza Patio! Live Music, drink specials & more! Hilton's Pizza Patio is the first OUTDOOR walk-up bar in company history! Congrats to Marco Falletta & Family. Come join them this summer!
June 2, 2023: DONUT DAY 2023! Donuts Delite & Salvatore's Pizzeria once again partnered with the Salvation Army of Rochester, NY to participate in National Donut Day. Free Mini Apple Fritters were given out all day Friday at BOTH Donuts Delite locations.
See full story here:
June 4, 2023: The D&C posted an article on Rochester's newest book, which features a story on SoccerSam. Read the article here
June 11, 2023: The Salvatore's Pizza Family donated pizza at the finish line of the race ‘8 States for Maz’. We are forever grateful for your service Officer, Anthony “Maz” Mazurkiewicz. Thank you to a handful of our store owners who organized to be there, especially Nick Pearl (Henrietta & Scottsville Saloons), Ray LoRe (Garage Door & East Ridge), John Coraggioso (East Main St), Silvio Fantauzzo (Webster Village & Ontario), and Kayla Kent-Moreira from the Corporate Office.
July 5, 2023: Salvatore’s Pizza celebrates 45 years on July 5th. The first Salvatore’s location opened on E Main St. in 1978, after inspiration from an Eastridge High School Home Economics project. 45 years later, we now have 30 locations throughout Rochester, outlets at the Airport & Sports Parks, retail sauce & gift cards in Wegmans, and with out-of-state locations coming soon. WE LOVE ROCHESTER!
Thank you to our amazing Owners, Managers & Employees for your years of hard work & dedication to our brand! Thank you to our incredible local Vendors & Partners, Media Members, Town/City Leaders & Officials who have helped us reach 45 years of business in this great City. But especially, THANK YOU to our loyal Customers, Family & Friends who continue to support us daily!.
If you ever worked for or supported Salvatore’s over the past 45 years, from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU! You are the reason for our success!
Did you know each Salvatore’s location is individually owned and operated by a local family in Rochester? See our incredible Owners here, and how many years they have dedicated their careers to our brand. Congratulations to our longtime Owners who have paved the way for the next generation of Owners who have recently joined our growing company. We are so honored to have this great group, and could not have reached this milestone without them.
Valued Customers, thank you for supporting LOCAL!
Keep it Local, Baby!
We are the Salvatore’s Pizza Family: Born & Raised in Rochester, NY Since 1978… & Proud of it!! Thank you, Rochester!
July 2023: Salvatore's is looking for qualified candidates to own a 24 Hour Pizzeria!
Dream Big! Own a 24 Hour Pizzeria! *No employees & work from home!*
Salvatore’s original pizza recipe since 1978. 45 years of the best pizza can now be available 24 hours a day!
Arenas, Stadiums, Hospitals, Colleges, Truck Stops, Office Parks and more!
If you have the place, then we have your 24 Hour Pizzeria!
August 2023: Salvatore's is expanding out-of-state! DREAM BIG! If you love the food & restaurant industry - become self-employed! We can help make your dream a reality. Local locations & out-of-state franchise opportunities available. Email your resume today to
August 2023: Salvatore's introduces the I LOVE SCHOOL program.
Classrooms nominations may be selected at random to win Free SuperSlice Cards for students. Select bonus classrooms will also receive Free Large Pizza Cards for a Back-To-School Pizza Party.
The Salvatore’s Pizza Family celebrated their 45th Anniversary on July 5th. Salvatore’s started as a High School project at Eastridge in 1978. Each year, Salvatore’s has donated to various charities and nonprofits to celebrate their anniversary.
“We wanted to do something different in 2023 for our 45th Anniversary," said Salvatore SoccerSam Fantauzzo, Founder/CEO, "We will donate SuperSlices & Pizzas to Teachers and Students for the 2023/2024 school year.”
All Salvatore's Full Menu locations will participate in the I Love School Program, and SuperSlice cards can then be redeemed at all locations.
“It is our goal to select at least one classroom from every school in Monroe & surrounding counties to win," said Ashley Maria King, President of Business Operations.
“Teachers can use Salvatore’s SuperSlice cards as a gift for students, or to use as class rewards for attendance, good grades or acts of kindness." said Kayla Kent-Moreira, President of Restaurant Operations.
Teachers can simply apply for their own classrooms, or parents & students can apply to nominate a teacher. Let us know why your class deserves FREE PIZZA! Nomination Forms can be found at
Nominations officially start September 5th to allow time for classroom assignments, and will run until September 30th -- but nominations will also be accepted early.
Press Release:
Nomination Form:
October 2023: Introducing the Salvatore's Store! Get your "Made in Rochester" gear here:
October 2023: Salvatore's continues our annual marketing push for Breast Cancer Awareness month to help raise money and awareness for the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester through our year-round Pink Pizza Box Campaign. In addition, this year Salvatore's partnered with local companies to raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society.
October 2023: Salvatore's participated at Trunk or Treat at Total Sports Experience and gave out FULL SIZE candy bars!
October 2023: Salvatore's introduces the NEW SPECIALTY PIZZA OF THE MONTH! Every month, a new specialty pizza will be announced! The first Specialty Pizza was a hit! WING AROUND THE RONI! Keep an eye out each month for the addition of a new Specialty Pizza that will be available at all Salvatore's Full Menu locations, for one month only! Wing Around the Roni: Old Fashioned Pepperoni with a Buffalo Mild Boneless Wing Ring
November 2023: Salvatore's once again gave away free ThinThin pizzas on Veterans Day to all veterans and active military. Nick Pearl and the Henrietta Salvatore's Saloon also hosted the first annual "Jam on Jefferson" event!
December 2023: Big things coming for 2024! Who doesn't love cake?!
December 2023: Salvatore's & Donuts Delite appear on the hit TV show 90 Day Fiance!
December 2023: Salvatore's partnered with Bozza Pasta for December's Specialty Pizza of the Month. Introducing the Bozza Ravioli Pie! Read more about the local partnership here:
January, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was the Love Holly Pizza!
Named after Former President of the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. THANK YOU HOLLY, for your years of leadership, service & dedication to the Rochester community! Good luck on your next endeavors! The Love Holly: garlic & oil base, with lots of mozzarella, artichokes, roasted red peppers, and banana peppers
February 2, 2024: Newark and Penfield owner Craig Houghton is featured in Genesee Valley Penny Saver. Craig shares his story of success and love for Salvatore's. Read article here: Craig Houghton: Crafting Success, One Slice at a Time | Personal | Hometown Stories |
February 14, 2024: Salvatore's opens in Jacksonville, Florida! Read press release here:
Salvatore's is excited to officially welcome the newest master franchisee, Dr. Ferdinand Formoso. Dr. Formoso and wife, Elisa are heading up the expansion of Salvatore's Old Fashioned Pizzeria in the State of Florida, with the first store opening in Jacksonville located in Tapestry Park (4820 Deer Lake Drive West). This location features Salvatore's Pizza, wings, calzones, salads & desserts. Salvatore's longtime franchisees, owner/operators, friends & family all traveled to help launch the store opening. More out-of-state locations coming soon!
News Articles:
February 2024: Genesee Valley Penny Saver featured Penfield & Newark Owner, Craig Hougton! Congrats Craig on the Hometown Hero feature. We appreciate all of your hard work & dedication to our brand! Read the article here:
February 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was Pizza My Heart featuring Heart Shaped Nuggets! Cousin Mike's Hot Honey & Blue Cheese Base with Heart Shaped Chicken Nuggets shaken in our famous Sweet Country Wing Sauce . A sweet & spicy twist on our Chicken Charlie Pizza... perfect for your Valentine
March, 2024: Welcome Erin! Erin Francesca has joined the Salvatore's Corporate Office, adding to the next generation of the Salvatore's Pizza Family! Welcome Erin, we are so happy to have you officially join the team!
March, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was Meatball Madness! Double Mozzarella, Double Meatballs & a Garlic Parmesan Brushed Crust
April, 2024: Welcome Sarah & Alessio Santiago! The Fairport location is officially under new Ownership. Sarah and Alessio have taken over the Fairport location from previous Owner Mike Perrotta. Alessio and Sarah started at our Garage Door location at age 16 and eventually started dating. They both spent many years with the company. Sarah left to go into the banking business and Alessio left to join Wegman's Food Markets... BUT THEY ARE BACK! Today, many years later, they are married with one daughter, Lesi and super excited to be back with the Salvatore's Pizza Family! We hope that the Village of Fairport welcomes the Santiago family as our new franchisees of this location. Our Fairport location opened on January 22, 2007 at 55 South Main St after serving the Village of Fairport residents as Arrivederci's Pizza for many years.
April 8, 2024: Rochester, NY celebrates the Total Solar Eclipse! Rochester was in the DIRECT path of totality in a historical Total Eclipse event on April 8th, 2024. Salvatore's celebrated with giving out free eclipse viewing glasses with any SuperSlice Combo purchase leading up to the eclipse. Deliveries were even suspended partially throughout the day, due to the increased tourism travel -- and we made sure to fully close shortly during the peak eclipse for our staff to go outside & witness this once-in-a-lifetime exciting event!
April, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was It's Greek To Me! Garlic & Oil Base, Tomatoes, Kalamata Olives, Feta Cheese, Breaded Chicken & topped with shredded lettuce & Greek Dressing
May, 2024: Genesee Valley Penny Saver featured Avon Owner, Mahmood Mamdoh! Congrats Mo on the Hometown Hero feature! Mo was one of the first Owners to volunteer to train and attend the Grand Opening of our Florida expansion. We appreciate Mo's constant dedication towards our brand. Congrats on your continued ambition & success! Read article here:
May 16, 2024: Bo from 92.5 WBEE celebrates his birthday at Salvatore's Henrietta Saloon.
May 17, 2024:
Radio 95.1 Lonsberry and Newman host The Long Lunch at Webster Village Salvatore’s
Listen to Newman & Lonsberry on #iHeartRadio at
May, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was Zia Margherita! Tomato Sauce Base with Fresh Sliced Mozzarella & topped with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese, fresh cut basil and a drizzle of olive oil! Available in Manhattan 19" and Manhattan 19" slices only.
May, 2024: Genesee Valley Penny Saver featured our new Fairport Owners, Sarah & Alessio Santiago! Congrats Sarah & Alessio on the Hometown Hero feature!
June, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was Chick-Fry-A! Chick'n Dip'n sauce base, Breaded Chicken, Maple Syrup Waffle Fries topped with Mozzarella & a drizzle of Chick'n Dip'n sauce!
July 1, 2024: Salvatore's celebrates 46 years of business on July 5, 2024. Read the full press release detailing company news to share, regarding 3 new locations, Anniversary Heart Nuggets special, New Owners, Pink re-branding, and a brand new Webster project awarded to the Fantauzzo Family Brands team:
July 1, 2024: Sandbar Park Coverage. Fantauzzo Family Brands was awarded the Restaurant/Bar project at Sandbar Park in Webster, NY at the former Bay Side Pub land. Read news coverage below:
- RBJ:
- Rochester First:
- D&C:
July 7, 2024: Churchville Location Announcement Coverage. Salvatore's Pizza announced plans for a new location in Churchville owned and operated by Salvatore's President & new spokesperson, Kayla Kent-Moreira. Salvatore's announced the location in the 46th anniversary press release which outlined future plans for the brand. Read full press release here:
Read Churchville news coverage below:
- Westside News:
July, 2024: PIZZA BIKE! The future of pizza delivery ! Pizza Bike: COMING SOON to your town & event!Stop by and see Salvatore’s first Pizza Bike at our Fairport Location. Visit 55 S Main St in the Village of Fairport to see Sarah & her team delivering food to your favorite local breweries and to all your favorite local festivals, events & fundraisers!Where will you see the next Pizza Bike?
July, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was Giacomo's Big Jack! All beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, tomatoes, with a sesame seed crust!
August, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was The Cuggi! Tomato Sauce Base with Mozzarella, Old Fashioned Pepperoni, Giant Italian Sausage, Roasted Red Peppers and Topped with Asiago Cheese
August 7, 2024: Welcome Tyler Stone! Tyler is the new Owner/Operator of the Scottsville Salvatore's Saloon. Tyler has taken over the Saloon location in the Village of Scottsville from Nick Pearl. Nick continues to own the Henrietta Salvatore's Saloon Location. Tyler has worked in the restaurant and bar industry for many years, and before that worked in grocery trucking & logistics. Tyler has spent time training with some of our longstanding owners at Salvatore's busiest locations. Tyler has 4 daughters, Elliana, Olivia, Nova, and Breezie. The Salvatore's Family is excited to have Tyler join our team! This Scottsville Salvatore's Saloon location will now promote delivery throughout the Village of Scottsville! Stop in for beer, wine, full bar, live music & events, or now order for delivery! Good Luck Tyler and thank you Nick for your years of service and business in the Scottsville community.
September, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was Wing It! The Chicken Wing Dip Pizza. Tomato Sauce Base with Lots of Mozzarella, Old Fashioned Pepperoni and dollops of Chicken Wing Dip (served with Fritos on the side: great for dipping or to sprinkle on top)
September, 2024: New Season, New Coupons! Salvatore's introduced new coupons for the Football Season, featuring everyone's favorite #17. See new coupons here:
October, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza of the Month was Hot Diggity Chili Dog! Chili Base with Cheddar Cheese, Zweigle's Hot Dogs, Onions, topped with a Mustard Swirl (served with Fritos on the side)
October, 2024: Genesee Valley Penny Saver featured our new Scottsville Saloon Owner, Tyler Stone! Congrats Tyler on the Hometown Hero feature!
October, 2024: Congratulations to Maria and Ray Lo Re, owners of our East Ridge Salvatore’s Location, for winning Irondequoit Rec’s Clash of the Crust pizza poll! Officially Irondequoit's FAVORITE pizza!
November, 9, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza was the presenting sponsor of the 2024 Monroe County Veterans Day Parade. Read full press release here:
November 11, 2024: Salvatore's Pizza locations honored Veterans and Active Military on Veterans Day, Monday Nov 11 2024 by offering a free 1 topping ThinThin Pizza. This is Salvatore's 8th year giving out free pizza on Veterans Day. THANK YOU for your service!
November 12, 2024: Salvatore's President of Business Operations, Kayla Moreira is the 2024 RED KETTLE CAMPAIGN CHAIR for The Salvation Army Rochester, NY !
We are so proud to have her represent Salvatore's Pizza and Donuts Delite.
The Red Kettle Campaign runs through December 24 & there are a number of ways that YOU can help!
Donate Online:
Sign up to ring:
Sponsor a Kettle:
January 6, 2025: Salvatore's opened a new location in the Village of Churchville located at 48 South Main St. A ribbon cutting was January 6th at 3pm, with an official Grand Opening at 4pm. This new Salvatore's location features dine-in seating with giant TVs, beer & wine, and a large slice display. Open for dine-in, take-out and delivery.
Kayla Kent-Moreira will be the franchisee Owner/Operator of this new beautiful location. Kayla has been with the Salvatore's Pizza Family since 2012, and is currently also Salvatore's President of Business Operations & CFO. Kayla and her Husband, Marcelo Moreira, will operate the Churchville location along with family, friends & a crew of amazing staff. Kayla will be Salvatore's 2nd female owner within the brand.
Read Press Release here:
Ribbon Cutting Celebration with the Village of Churchville Chamber Members & Mayor John Hartman.
February, 2025: Salvatore's continues the tradition of promoting Heart Shaped SuperSlices for Valentine's Day season! New this year, Heart Shaped SuperSlice Combos!
February, 12 2025: Salvatore’s Pizza was honored to attend the The Salvation Army Rochester, NY Gratitude Gathering breakfast this morning. Kayla Kent-Moreira was awarded the 2024 Red Kettle Campaign Chair plaque, and Team Pizza was recognized with the Bell Ringer Award. We feel so fortunate that we were able to help our community through the Red Kettle Campaign this year. Kayla, you make us proud!
Pictured here is Salvatore’s President & CFO Kayla Moreira, Salvatore’s Co-Founder Linda Fantauzzo, and Salvatore’s Director of Community Outreach Sarah Santiago
February, 13 2025: Salvatore's announced the launch of Salvatore's new HOUSE WINES coming soon!
We started this project in 2020, and unfortunately the COVID era set us back. Today, we finally got approval for our new House Wines for our Pizza Pubs & Saloons.
Introducing VINO GIACOMO Casa Blends! The first 2 wines introduced will be Sweet Roxanna Red Wine and Sweet Camila di Capri White Wine.
We hope to launch our locally produced Vino Giacomo in March at all our Pizza Pubs & Saloons, stay tuned!

Salvatore's Announces the Pizza Hall of Fame
The Salvatore's Pizza family is excited to pay tribute to all the loyal employees and support staff that have helped our company grow since 1978. Founder Salvatore "SoccerSam" Fantauzzo felt it was important to remember the great people that have been apart of the company since day 1 to today. Each year we will add new members to the Hall of Fame. If you are a former key employee that worked 10 or more years, manager or contributor please email We are also looking for pictures from locations and employees, please email them with date and description, thank you!
Inducted Franchisees: John Coraggioso, Charles Fantauzzo, Ray LoRe, Jack Grover, Chuck LaRocca, Irv Pudetti, Hassan Alsafadi, Mike DelGaizo, Lisa DelGaizo, Vinnie Valerie, Tonino Mangione, Chris & Clay Pearl, Roxanna Fantauzzo, Salvatore Fantauzzo II, Silvio Fantauzzo, Nick Pearl, Marco Palazzo, Carl Horsford, David Sykut, Dave Laspina, Dennis Glavas, Greg Dillingham, Jay Harrison, Mike Perrotta, Jon Gehrke, Craig Houghton, Sam Alsafadi, Nick Semeraro, Raimondo LoRe (Lil Ray), Chris & Toni Avery, Massimo & Sofia LoGuidice, Steve Stokes, Louis Fernandez, Ramez Alsafadi, Frank Freida, Edina Kemez, Ameer Alsaffar, Ed Ali, Mike Schmidt, Alisia Rios, Mahmood and Ahmed Mamdoh, Marco Falletta, Sanel Music, Sarah & Alessio Santiago, Ferdinand & Elisa Formoso, Tyler Stone, Pettrone Family, Kayla Kent-Moreira, Santino Fantauzzo, Kevin Consaul.
Class of 1978-1980: Teacher Adele Mitchell, Attorney Joe Guadagnino, Vince Cilino, Nino Cilino, Linda Calabrese, Grandma Carmela Oliveri, Aunt Mary Arbore, Mom Eva Fantauzzo, Aunt Mary Sampognaro, Aunt Anna Oliveri, Aunt Josephine DeLuca, Uncle Sam Arbore, Dad Silvestro Fantauzzo, Cousins Giacomo & Venera LoRe, Sister Valerie Fantauzzo, Lisa Arbore, Diana Calabrese, Gary DiGabriel, Enzo Vella, Phil Coroggioso, Dave Gross, Joe DeGeorge, Sebastian Curatolo, Tony Gabrielle, Chuck Formoso, Luciano Arigo, Al Grimaldo, Carm Puglia, Jim Archetko
Class of 1981-1997: Michael Steger, Cindy Wallace, Linda, Saltrelli, Tom Frost, Kim DeLuca, Linda Oliveri, Helen Barbas, Charles Giglio, Lisa & Michelle Selden, Alex Raffi, Dario Raffi, Dave Debole, Mimi Visconti, Scott Cropsy, Peter Manglkrammer, Kay Johnson, Mike DeBole, David Wojtczak, Dave Sykut, Rocco “The Barber” Lanzafame, Kevin “Vic The Squid Calamari” O’Connor, Dan Passero, Joe Noto, John Blanchard.
Class of 1998-2007: Michael Moran, Patty Powers, John Catalano, Enza Sanfilippo.
SoccerSam’s Pizza Pasta Cafe: Doug Lockwood, Chelsea Gersey, Tim Archetko
Class of 2008-2017: Rita LoRe, Lyndsay DiMeo, Rich Randall, Donna Waasdorp, Kayla Kent, Chuck Arbore, Ashley Maria King, Maria LoRe , Brenda Sachs, Patty Valerie, Toni Grassadonia, Salvatore Coraggioso, Toni DeBole, George Walker
Class of 2018-2025: Benjamin Ray Bragg. Representing Salvatore’s at Donuts Delite: Robert Malley, Michael Malley, Susie Tappon, Natalie Oriel, Mel Colangelo. Our original TV commerical song writer & performer, Phil "Naro" Sampagnaro. (Watch Phil Naro Commercial Music Video Here), Concetta “Mama C” Curatolo.
Media Hall of Fame: Andrew Langston.